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Story summary: you and Cad have obvious feelings for each other but both of you refuse to confess, one day while on a job, Cad becomes jealous and finally gives in.

Warnings/disclaimers: Cad being the un-affectionate man he is. Mentions of death, because Cad shoots someone. That's all... 


The cantina was grimy, a sleazy place for sleazy patrons. Making it the number one place for someone with a bounty on their head to go in hopes of hiding, yet here you are, a Bounty hunter accompanied by your friend Cad bane. Although you knew better than anyone that the relationship you and bane had was far from "friendly" you and him growing closer and closer with each passing day, yet neither one of you confessed your true feelings, you didn't out of fear of rejection, he didn't because he wanted you to admit you fell for the bestard. You plop down in the booth beside the duros man and take a gulp of your heavy drink, enjoying the slight burning sensation of it sliding down your throat. You let your eyes scan the various patrons in the place and soon let them fall on the man seated in front of you.

“I don't see him bane, you sure he'll be here?” You ask him, watching how he let's his slider fingers trail the brim of his hat, pushing it up so his scarlet eyes narrow on you.

“From the Intel I gathered from his friends, he should be here shortly” His gravelly voice spoke the words lowly, only meant for your keen ears to here. “The locals say he stops by every evenin' to pick up pretty ladies” Bane digs around his trench coat pocket for a toothpick, soon finding one and placing it between his lips.

You sigh and take a smaller sip from your drink now. “So why are we here early? I could still be in bed right now!” You exclaim with a whiny tone, Bane rolling his eyes and scanning the cantina again.

“Oh stop you're whinin' sweetheart it's not even early” He scoffs and you smile at him sarcastically.

“Because 10am isn't early at all” You argue and Stand up after downing the rest of your drink. “I need another drink, you want anything?” You ask him and he chuckles, the sound raspy and rough yet makes your heart beat faster. You Eternally curse yourself for loving the man.

“No, I don't drink this early you kriffing drunk” He teased you with a smirk, you roll your eyes this time and walk away. Once at the bar you wave down the service droid and tell the rust bucket what you want, leaning against the bar and waiting for your drink.

“Well you aren't from around here, I surely would have remembered such a beautiful face if so” A man spoke from beside you, sparing him a glance you almost double take when you recognized him as the very man you were hunting.

Putting on a fake smile, you giggle at his cliché words. “I'm not from around here actually, I'm only stopping by for a few days” You now devote your full attention to the man and can feel the burning gaze of none other than Cad bane himself on you, you peek over the bounties shoulder and see bane chewing his toothpick from the booth he sat in, glaring at the bounty so cold and deadly that your surprised the man hasn't dropped dead before you.

“Ah, just visiting....well surely with someone as gorgeous as yourself you must be from alderaan?” He gives you a smile and placed a hand on your forearm you decide to play along with this sleaze balls game and place a hand on your chest and gasp at his words like a bimbo.

“I am! And thank you for the compliments” You lean closer to him and the words roll off your tongue smoothly, a seductive flutter of your eyes as the bounty putty in your hands.

The man leans closer to you but before he could utter a word--let alone touch you, a blaster bolt burns through his chest making him fall to the floor. You look up with a annoyed expression on your face as Cad stood from the booth holding his blaster up, the smoke wafting from the barrel letting the whole cantina know who exactly dropped the man. Blowing the smoke away from the metal barrel, Cad holsters his blaster pistol and strides over towards you with a scowl, throwing a handful of credits at the service droid.

“Her drinks are on me, let's go” He let his cold glare fall on you before he drags the dead quarry out of the cantina, you hot on his heels as you feel anger boiling deep within you.

The bounty was supposed to be brought in alive, not dead. Cad knew that, he warned you multiple times before you both landed on Battu for the job. Although the quarry being brought in cold was acceptable, the credits were more handsomely if he was brought in warm.

“What the hell was that!? We were supposed to bring him in alive! Now we're gonna get paid a lowsey 500 credits you —

Your angry rambling was cut short as Cad swiftly turns around to stare at you with the same scowl on his face as before back in the cantina. “Thought my blaster was set on stun, a slight slip up” He shrugs and continued dragging the body to his ship.

“A slight slip up? That's what you're going to call it? That's a rookies mistake Bane! You're a professional at this” Your words were growled out as you follow him. “That back there? That looked like jealousy to me because the guy was being slightly flirty with me” You almost let a smug grin grace your face at the way Cad tensed up, his low grumbled curse words making you chuckle dryly and walk ahead of him only to stop in front of him, looking into his narrowed red eyes.

“Jealousy? Please I shot the man to save him the misery of having to speak to you, the poor man probably wanted to shoot himself” Cad huffs out and pushes passed you, his ship in sight and he felt thankful considering the man he dragged was heavy. Once on the ship and situating the body securely in the back of the ship, Cad plops down in the pilot seat and doesn't even spare you a glance from where you sit in the co-pilot.

You knew he was mad, mad at himself for killing the bounty and mad at you for God only knows what. But the way he grips the steering controls in his hands as he pilots the ship off this planet, you knew he was pissed.

After he high--tailed it off Batuu and went into hyperspace, he relaxed into the leather seat and tilts his hat over his eyes. Something he always did when preparing for a nap. But you wasn't about to let him sleep, no you were tired of playing this game. It's been almost 3-years since Cad asked you to join him permanently as a hunting partner, 3-years that you've been playing this stupid game of "who will cave in and point out you two were slowly falling for each other" you were stubborn and refused to let that bastard have the satisfaction of you confessing such a thing to him. You wanted him to be the one to finally say it and get it over with so you could just start your official relationship and rest peacefully at night and you knew now is the time to get him to confess to the obvious.

“Who knew Cad bane could be so jealous, threw away 2,000 credits just because you couldn't stand the thought of that man simply flirting with little ol' me” You mused while crossing your arms across your chest and leaning back in your seat, watching Bane with an amused smile.

He flicks the brim of his hat, his eyes falling on you with a cold glare. “I already said I wasn't jealous little lady, now drop it” He spoke lowly, a warning undertone to his voice. But you were stubborn, and kept your mouth running to coax the confession from him.

“Then why shoot him? I mean—the poor guy was simply letting me know he thought I was I gorgeous, not to mention he wasn't so bad looking himself —

“One more peep out of you and you're sleeping in the supply closet” He wasn't playing around with that threat and you knew it, yet you laughed, making his blood boil.

“Like you'd do that, you love me Cad, you're just too big of a karking bastard to admit it” You huff out and look away from out of anger, eyes glued to the viewport.

He stands up and placed a hand on your shoulder, causing you to look up at him. “But I'm you're bastard, and I'll shoot anyone or anything that ever touches you again sweetheart” He genuinely spoke for once. You stared up at him shocked, displeased when he walked away abruptly with a smug smirk. Was that the confession? Did Cad bane really do it?

You smile to yourself upon realizing that he did, it wasn't as romantic as you hoped it to be, but what else did you suspect from Cad bane?

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