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This picture is how I felt when Cad got deaded by the hands of Boba fett

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This picture is how I felt when Cad got deaded by the hands of Boba fett.

Where was TODO?

Was TODO still waiting for cad on their ship?

Idk man but since my DUMBASS lost my account during those troubling times (because I have shit memory and couldn't remember my longin information) I couldn't rant about that episode of live action cad bane on here, So here it is.

I'm seriously upset they didn't show todo.
So upset I didn't spell the little droids name in all capital letters.

Also I'm taking requests still if anyone wants to request any cad bane stuff. Also I'm sorry if you DID request something and I never wrote it. (I looked in the dms for anything in case but there was nothing)

 (I looked in the dms for anything in case but there was nothing)

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Bye for now (:

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