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I'm sorry I haven't been writing for Cad lately, I've been caught up in work and over stressing myself (which is awesome lol) BUT in my 3 minutes of spare time I've been working on a book/novel type thing based on Star wars!

So I was wondering if it would be better and more enjoyable to read if the main character of said book was my OC I have already made and gave a back story and everything (her names Asika Dornan) OR! AND JUST HEAR ME OUT.
if the main character was reader insert ([Y/N])

The book is called the bounty hunter chronicles, the main character (Asika or either reader) was orphaned at birth by the weequay pirate dudes and they sold her to a slave owner on tatooine named boze(who is also weequay but not a pirate) who owns a cantina near Mos Pelgo, so Boze teaches her how to pick-pocket people who drift into the town and such or like whenever spice deals go down she sneaks spice out of the crates for Boze to sell. But whenever she's like 5-years old Boze hears about cad bane coming to Mos Pelgo and tells (Asika or reader) to steal from bane since he most be rich considering he's the most hired bounty hunter. So (Asika or reader) does and Cad ends up adopting her and teaching her how to become I bounty hunter like him blah blah blah and then

she gets older and ends up teaming up with boba fett and the books about them and their hunts and how they slowly fall in love and it's just awesome!

So in conclusion should she be Asika, my own character I made, or just be reader insert?

Please let me know (:

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