|The Unexpected|

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Request summary: Hello. You're very good at writing stories. I read that you accept requests and, for my part, I would like to offer my own. For example: Cad finds out that she (any name) is pregnant.

Warnings/disclaimers: slight angst, Fluff, my terrible Grammer (:

Tags: greatconcul6948

Authors note: I'm sorry thus took so long! I've been too busy to write but I managed to shit this out for you! I hope you enjoy this pile of loth-cat shit! (;


The ship was quiet as you and your husband sat in the cockpit, your anxious mind troubled as you let your gaze flicker from Cad and the viewport repeatedly. Now Cad and you have been together for a long time, near the beginning of the clone war, so he could easily detect whenever something was bothering you but instead of questioning you about it, he often chose to ignore it and let you speak to him about whatever it is bothering you when you felt ready to. This time no differently as he focuses all his attention on piloting the ship off this planet he just finished business on.

You nervously play with your fingers before letting your eyes linger on Cad a bit longer, trying your hardest not to let the recent discovery you found out nearly two months ago bother you — because quite frankly you were excited, scared yet excited about the news you were given by a medical droid. You were with child, Cad' child and the thought of carrying your husband's spawn made your heart flutter with joy. Yet the fear of him not wanting this grips your heart like a vice. you knew Cad didn't like kids, he went as far as kidnapping them for a sith lord. Cad bane didn't have a soft spot for anyone or anything until he met you, you had taken him by surprise the day you both had met and he fell helplessly in love. Although he wasn't romantic and most dates were spent bounty hunting, you loved the duros man endlessly. And hopefully if you found a tender side in Cad, the baby growing in your belly could as well.

You just didn't know how to tell him the news, so perhaps baby steps would be best. You let out a nervous breath ready to ask him a simple question about kids, something casual.

“When we were on Battu — did you see how adorable the little twi'lek baby was?” Your voice trembled with the crackling nerves running throughout your whole body. You could only hope he paid attention when you pointed the child out previously that day when you and Cad were searching for the bounty today.

He side eyes you before flipping a few switches and pushing a few buttons putting you into hyperspace.

“I saw, didn't think the thing was cute though” He spoke while leaning back in his seat now, relaxing a bit.

You felt the emotions hit you hard, anxiety eating away at you as you hope Cad wouldn't leave you once you tell him your pregnant. You knew he didn't want kids, you had seen him scowl at them before and the fact you were pregnant with his child....it made fear claw at your heart like Nexu upon the realization he didn't want this — but you did, and now that the unexpected had happened and this little life was growing within you, you felt excited to be carrying his child. But the likelihood of Cad abandoning you on the nearest planet had your heart aching.

“Oh c'mon Cad, she was adorable! Didn't you hear her cooing at her mother how cute she was!?” You put on a fake smile and try getting Cad to expose a tender side you knew was in his heart, you had seen him display his tender side for you, perhaps he had another side that he would show towards your child. You subconsciously place a hand on your barely noticeable bumb and sigh. Tears pricking your eyes as you feel hope fading as he scoffs.

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