1. Connection

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"You need to become a doctor, so that *cough**cough* no one needs to die like me" my mom faintly whispered.

"You are not going to die"I screamed.

"You are going to be a great doctor Brooke" and those were her last words.

I made her last word my Mantra in life.

I was just nine at that time, all I had in this world was my mom and no, my dad is not dead. He is alive and in great condition, I think. I won't lie and say he was not a caring father or husband; we were poor so when I turned seven, he decided that we deserved a better life and went out of town to earn more money but never returned. And honestly I even forgot about his existence.

After mom's death, my aunt took me in. She and her husband are really nice and they have two kids Mark and Diana who happen to be the same age as me. Diana is not exactly friendly but Mark is my best friend though he does not dare show me any affection in front of his jealous sister.

I did not even realize that the bus came to a halt signalling, I have reached my destination.

"We don't have all day Brooklyn" Diana sneered at me while Mark rolled his eyes.

After we exited the bus, we directly went in the hospital to get our Ids so that we can check in our dorms. Oh! Did I mention they are also medical students interning in the same hospital as me. It is one of the most prestigious hospitals and known for its best doctors. I got the chance because I topped my university and Mark got in for his good marks while Diana got in with uncle's money. Though, he wanted to spoil me like his own daughter but that was not possible due to Diana's tantrums.

"Miss Brooklyn Willows, age 25 please report here as soon as possible." the front lady called me so I walked up to her. She was a middle aged lady with a motherly aura.

"Welcome to the Willows & co. Hospital. You need to report at sharp 7:15 am tomorrow. Though, the assigning process starts at 7:30 am its better to report a bit early." She said, the smile never leaving her face.

"I'll keep that in mind and thank you" I replied with a smile of my own. She handed me my Id and dorm keys and gave me a thumbs up. I waved goodbye to Mark and he waved back while Diana was busy flirting with another guy.

I directly went in my dorm and found it empty. It had four bunk beds and desks with a center table and a bathroom. I picked a bed and placed all my bags there and decided to stroll around the campus.

In the middle of my stroll, I bumped hard into someone and was going to apologize but a guy yelled watch out. I looked in the direction to see a five year old boy about to get hit by a bike. I did not even spare a glance towards who I bumped into but rather rushed towards the kid and scooped him in my arms and got out of the bike's way.

"Are you okay kid?" I questioned scanning his body for any injuries. The boy looked up to me and nodded his head but I noticed a scratch on his forearm. I gently grabbed his arm to examine it and it was bleeding slightly all while feeling a pair of eyes on me but I did not care that much. I took the kid to the nearest bench and sat him down on it. I took out the small first aid kit from inside of my bag and started to clean his wound.

"You are really pretty, I am Ben" the boy said and I chuckled.

"Nice to meet you Ben, I am Brooklyn." I replied while putting the Bandaid on his wound.

"You are being so nice and caring to this kid while you are not taking responsibility towards the person you just bumped into" I looked up to see a man in his late 20s I assume. He sure was good looking to say the least. I saw him staring at me. I rose to my feet and cleared my throat and waved at Ben before turning to the guy.

"It was an accident. Not that someone would want to intentionally bump into you" I muttered the last part. The guy looked shocked and amused?

"Do you know who I am" he asked. I blinked at him.

"Was I supposed to know?" I asked back slightly tilting my head to side to show my confusion.

"No, n- no definitely not." He said with a goofy smile and raised his hand for a shake "I am Alex" I shook his hand.

"Why are you here in the hospital?" I asked questioningly.

"I uh- came here to get my braces removed" he shuttered which was quite suspicious but I choose to ignored it and nodded.

"Let's grab some coffee, yeah?" he asked and I shrugged. We went to the nearest cafe. It was quiet between us before he started talking.

"So you are also a patient?" he casually asked. I shook my head before replying.

"I am interning here. Should have said this after you introduced yourself but my name's Brooklyn. " I said while sipping my drink.

"Better late than never" He said in reply.

"So what do you do for a living?" I asked in an effort to reduce the awkward atmosphere.

"I -Before he could answer my question, his phone rang. After talking on his phone for barely a minute he hung up and turned towards me.

"Family emergency gotta go" he said. And I nodded.

"See you later, I guess" I said unsure.

"Oh, definitely. I can feel the connections between us." He winked at me and I shook my head at him. "Bye Brooklyn" he waved and rushed.

Connections? Huh? What am I even thinking?

I started to make my way towards the dorm. 

*Author's note :- This is my first book. I cannot even believe I am actually publishing this. Anyway I hope you guys enjoy reading my book. Be respectful in the comments and tell me how you think about the book so far. Also English is not my first language so please feel free to point out any mistake that I make. Don't forget to vote if you like it.*

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