5. The Party

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"Are you sure you don't wanna join us?" This probably was the 5th time Kit has asked me this question.

"Kit, I seriously don't want to attend this party"

"Why?" She whined

"Kit, there are many reasons. Firstly I don't have a date, secondly, I don't have anything to wear to a party and most importantly, I don't have the energy to socialize so you guys go and enjoy yourselves" I finished and added a nod at the end to show how serious I was.

"Now let us tell you something you don't need a date and also clothes are not an issue" Maddie replied

"This is an opportunity for you Brooklyn, you are going to meet so many new people and you can make some connections and get on everyone's good side," Aubrey added.

I decided to give in "Fine but I still don't know what I am going to wear"

"As I said it's not an issue" Maddie opened her suitcase and started rummaging through it and finally pulled out a beautiful blue dress.

"That's too much Maddie. It's not like I am going to someone's wedding" I complained.

"Oh shut up you don't know anything about fashion, do you? Let us experts handle your look and see how guys fall on their knees for you" And they all started laughing at Aubrey's comment and started helping me get ready.

It took us around half an hour to get ready. They did not let me look into the mirror and they were done with their 'magic'.

"Ok we are done now you can look"

I was surprised, to say the least, the first day they helped me get ready. I knew that they were good at this but now seeing how I looked like a woman who had her life together. I think they should start doing this professionally.

"Oh my- " My surprise was cut short by Kit pulling on my hand.

"We are getting late and you don't need to admire yourself because you should know that you are beautiful. Let others admire you but from afar." Aubrey added the last line with a chuckle.

They didn't understand why I wasn't willing to go in the first place. I just couldn't face my father again and that too with his new wife and kids.

We walked side by side through the entrance and let me tell you this was the first time I was feeling so confident About myself.

"You got this" Kit winked at me to which I laughed.

I saw Mark waving at me "Woah I almost didn't recognize you Brooky" I laughed at the nickname he had given me when I was young.

"Where is Diana?" Look, it's not that I wanted to see her or talk to her. I was just genuinely curious. She is not the type of person to miss an opportunity to dress up.

"She will be here soon. I texted her a few minutes ago and she said her makeup artist is taking a little longer than usual." He shrugged.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, may I have your attention please" I looked up to see Dr. Daisy on the stage "It has been a wonderful evening so far and I hope you all are enjoying yourselves. Today is really special for all our new interns. This is the start of their journey to become doctors. Hope you all do well in your future." She smiled. Wait for a second, smiled?!? Well, I guess she is capable of that. "Now I would like to call on stage Mr. Dylan Willows, Director of Willows & co. Hospital."

I saw my dad walk up on stage and I then noticed who he was sitting next to. She was the same female from before and beside her, I saw two girls of my age.

There was a sudden tap on my shoulder. Alex.

"I am sorry. Seriously I didn't mean to lie to you" He said while giving me an apologetic smile.

"It's fine," I said and tried to smile at him but I just couldn't. It's not that I didn't forgive Alex but the fact that my dad was now walking hand in hand with another woman is not my mom. I know I should not be like this. He has every right to move on and be happy and live with whomever he likes but still, I just couldn't stand this sight. What would my mom have done if she was alive? Moved on too? Probably not. 

Let's hear what he has to say

* Author's note:- Heyy, hope you all are doing well. Don't forget to vote if you feel like it. Feedback is always welcomed.*

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