3. Dad?!

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Director's office had a few pictures of me as a baby and a few of our family pictures. Mark and Diana saw me when I was nine years old and I don't think they ever saw my parents so I don't expect them to recognize those pictures. I could feel a pit in my stomach. Alex turned towards me.

"You don't look too good, anything wrong?" he genuinely sounded concerned and apparently grabbed everyone's attention. Diana was glaring at me with her eyes full of hatred.

"Alex, you were always the silent one." She started "Minding your own business and always sticking around with Ethan. Now you are talking to this girl?" I think she holds some personal grudge against me. I haven't seen her smile but then again I have been here for what? An hour and half or so.

The door suddenly opened and the person who came in is someone I wouldn't want to see even in my worst nightmare. His stare caught mine and his expression read that he didn't expect me here.

"Brooke" He barely whispered. His eyes were tearing up. I opened my mouth to say dad but refrained myself.

"It's Brooklyn, Mr. Willows" I offered a fake smile. He looked hurt to say the least. Everyone was confused by the exchange but did not object.

"Director, you called for us?" Ethan asked.

"I have called you all for a welcoming party. This happens each year so that intern can warm up to the hospital's environment." The director aka my dad informed us.

His eyes held regret but frankly I couldn't care less about him. He was dead for me long ago. I know that is kind of harsh but you should consider where I stand as well. I waited everyday at the same door he used to exit himself from our lives. From the day he left to my mom's funeral. My mom needed to force me to eat my meals and then I would go back to staring at our entrance.

Till date whenever I feel sad, I stare at a distant place to feel solitude.

"All of you can bring a date or friend in this party or can also come alone" He continued.

Suddenly Ethan turned to me" You should pay attention when someone is talking you. Is there something wrong?" I shook my head in reply. He continued "Are you thinking about taking someone?"

"Great, you will be coming with me." He said nonchalantly.

I was not even going to attend it. I had more important things to handle. I hope you can already guess what or more specifically who.

I look back at Ethan "I won't be attending"

He furrowed his brows but didn't question further which I was secretly glad about.

"If no one has any thing to ask, all of you may take leave" Director said.

I was more then happy to leave this hell hole. I felt like I was trapped in a box. As everyone started leaving including me.

"Except of you Brooklyn"

I turned around to look at him dead in the eye. Everyone left but not without giving me weird looks. After everyone left he turned to me and started speaking.

"How have you been Brooklyn?" Is this man for real like you weren't a part of my life for years and that's the first question you decide to ask. "I looked a lot for you and your mother right after I came back but I never found you both in the house. Where are you both living now?"

"Without you in my life I've been good, very good in fact" My eyes tear up a bit I don't let a single tear slip.

"You don't mean that Brooklyn, I know you don't. It's just you ego speaking up. I get that I was wrong to leave you and your mother behind but I did come back, you can ask our neighbours"

I laughed at him and let me tell you it is really hard to even smile with tears let alone laugh but I am used to it. Whenever I used to be sad and desperately wanted to cry. I couldn't because I believed that my mom was looking at me from above and she wouldn't like her precious daughter to be sad.

"Guess what? you were too late then. You're still late now." I said still not losing my calm.

"What do you mean?" He asked genuinely looking confused.

"What I mean is you left us all alone with minimum money in a really shady neighbourhood. You never thought how we were supposed to earn for daily living. You didn't bother looking back then why are you bothering yourself now. I mean I get it you didn't bother yourself, I showed up but don't bother it's all going to be same just treat me as a normal employee." I was out of breath by the time I finished.

"Look Brooke, I am trying here." The audacity of this man.

"That's what I am trying to say. You don't need to try."

"I know that I was wrong but I still till date think about you and your mother. How is Melissa?" I hated the way he could easily take my mom's name without even feeling the slightest guilt.

"You wanna know how she is?" There was hatred clear in my voice. Not bothering to hear his reply I continued. "She is-"

"Honey you daughters are begging you to take them to the movies" A blonde tanned women barged in. I generally don't jump to any conclusion but this  was an exception. I knew for sure that my dad was seeing her and the fact that my dad kids.

"Katie can you excuse us for a sec" My dad gave her pleading eyes.

As soon as she excused us, I excused my self as well. I felt a hand grab mine just when I was about to turn the knob.

"It's not what you think it is. I can explain but first finish what you were saying." He said. "How is Melissa?"

* Author's note:- Heyy, hope you all are doing well. Don't forget to vote if you feel like it. Feedbacks are always welcomed.*

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