7. Okay?

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"So what do you want to talk about?"

"I think I owe you an explanation,"

"No you don't," I said truthfully. He seriously doesn't owe me any explanation. Why would an in charge discuss his private life with an intern?

He sighed and started staring at the night sky.

"I heard your conversation with Director and I truly admire you junior. I think you are going to be a great doctor."

I kept quiet. Honestly, I didn't know how to react to this. He was the first person to say these words after my mom.

An awkward silence settled between us. He was looking at me as if he wanted me to ask him something so I chose to ask the question that has been bugging me.

"You and Lilith weren't dating and both are getting married all of a sudden"

"Is that a question?"

"A statement I want you to explain"

"I thought I didn't owe you an explanation" He chuckled

"I am just curious now will you explain or should I just leave," I said somewhat embarrassed.

"What exactly do you wanna know?"

"How did you meet Lilith?" I had a lot of other questions but I decided to start slow.

"I met her at a friend's wedding last month"

"Last month? Was it love at first sight?"

"Love?" He laughed "I think you are too old to be believing in naive things like love"

"Then what made you decide to marry the girl that you met only a month ago?" I paused "Do you even love her?"

"No" I waited for him to explain his denial but he just shrugged.

"Then why marry her?"

"Love isn't everything thing junior," He sighed "When we briefly met at my friend's wedding, I also didn't expect things to turn out like this." He must have seen my clueless face decided to elaborate.

He turned to look towards the door with his back towards the railing of the balcony.

"She broke up with her boyfriend and got drunk and I was also slightly drunk from the party. It was past midnight so I decided to hail a cab for her but she insisted on walking home. I don't remember much from that night, though I do remember her inviting me for another drink. One thing led to another and..." He turned to look at me as he said those words.

"We slept together," He said monotonously.


"Then a few days back Britney contacted me saying that Lilith is pregnant with my child and she wants me to take responsibility for my actions. Hence her marrying me." He finished

"Don't you think that there can be other solutions?"

"I did suggest that if she wanted to keep the baby then I would respect her decision, after all, it is her body"

"Yes, I get that, but what if she meets someone she truly likes?" I knew that I shouldn't be commenting on this, but my nosy self couldn't resist asking questions. "I mean that's a plausible scenario"

"Then we shall divorce each other."

"And the child?"

"will have a new father" He looked torn as he said that.

A child shouldn't go through this just because of their parents' carelessness.

"So I am marrying her,"


"Okay?" He repeated

"Yeah, okay" I shrugged

"What do you mean okay?" Was he trying to get some kind of reaction out of me?

"What do you want me to do now? Slam my head on that wall?!" I was amused "I don't even know anything about you besides your name and that is not enough for me to have an opinion about you. And if you want my thoughts on the 'you need to take responsibility' part then I think both of you are adults and are completely capable of figuring out a solution yourselves"

"Aren't you mad?"

"Why would I be mad? Was I supposed to be?" I was genuinely confused.

"Yesterday your cousin Dana? no wait Diana said you have a crush on me" I burst out laughing. "Why are you laughing?"

"You told me all this because you thought I have a crush on you?" I asked after getting a hold of myself.

"Yes, and you looked hurt after the announcement also Alex brought you here to comfort you so I thought I should explain the situation" My god.

"Alex brought me out here to ask me something-"

"What?" I am not the only nosy person

"I would have known if you didn't interfere"

"So you don't like me?"

"You seriously aren't my type brother" I patted his shoulder and walked out of the balcony.

I will deal with Diana later but first I need to find Alex.

* Author's note:- Heyy, hope you all are doing well. Don't forget to vote if you feel like it. Feedbacks are always welcomed.*

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