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So I decided to write a small oneshot kinda thing that happens in between season one and season two, just for fun lol. It's lowkey fluffy???? I guess??? idk :/

(Y/n POV)

We were finally let out of the school and were allowed to head home.

Father picked us up from school and took us home personally for our own safety so me and Shoto didn't get to see Touya and tell him everything.

We were all quiet, even upon entering our home we were silent.

Natsu was home from University for a few days so I was happy to see him, but after today, I wasn't in the mood to do anything in particular.

"Hey Y/n, Shoto!" Natsuo greeted us at the door with a big smile, like usual when he was home.

"Hi Natsu." I said, my voice more bland than excited.

Natsu frowned upon seeing me and Shoto's gloomy faces, so he offered to take us out somewhere but we refused.

T i m e s k i p

It was dinner and no one said a word.

It was over faster than it started, and the air around us felt stiff.

Despite Fuyu and Natsu's attempts to lighten the mood a bit, I didn't feel any better, and I doubt that Shoto did either.

Afterwards I couldn't find anything to do, I mindlessly wandered around until I found myself outside with my shoes on heading towards the graveyard a few streets away, the sky was just beginning to darken, but I wasn't scared at all.

I headed to the grave that I visited oh-so often, and knelt down infront of it. There was no body underneath the smooth black stone, they couldn't get one.

"Hey Touya, sorry that Shoto isn't here with me today, and that I couldn't get here earlier."

I then began to spill my heart about today for way longer than I anticipated.

(Natsuo POV)

I was heading to Y/n's room to talk to her, she wasn't anywhere else in the house anyway.

I knocked softly on her door.

"Hey Y/n, it's me, I'm coming in now."

I gently opened the door (Someone please get this reference😭)

Only to find no one in her room.

"Y/n?!" I yelled.

Sho came running over after he heard me to see the same sight I was seeing.

"huh? where is she?" He asked me

"I-I don't know! I checked everywhere else already!" I watched Shoto's eyes widen slightly at my words.

"But, she shouldn't be outside this late!" We turned to look at the dark sky out the window.

I immediately went to the front door and slipped on my shoes, Shoto not far behind me, who filled in Fuyumi who had panicked at our panicked state, so she followed us out to look for her too.


"Where are you?!"

"Y/n!!" I could hear my other siblings shouts for her, as I thought back. She was upset when she came home, and I remembered that she came home straight from school with Enji, and Fuyumi is always telling me about how both Y/n and Shoto almost always visit Touya especially after something big happens, but she didn't get the chance when she came because she was with Enji.... 

I immediately headed over towards the graveyard.

(Y/n POV)

"And then All might finished him off with an almighty punch! It was so awesome! I now see why Sho loved him so much." My head rested on my folded arms that were on my knees, which were pulled  in close to my chest. I smiled as I was telling the story, feeling so much better.

"But you know Touya... I can't help but think about those villains words... its weird, because fathers a hero, I'm aiming to become a hero, but I agree with a villains ideals. Hmmm.." I felt a sudden wave of sleepiness as my words got quieter and more slurred together, and soon enough, I feel asleep.

Yes, in the middle of a graveyard, this straight out of a horror movie.

(Natsuo POV)

I made my way through the aisles of stones, remembering where Touya's was, and I saw a small figure infront of it, that must be Y/n.

As I got closer it looked like the figure was lying down, and Soon I was in front of a sleeping Y/n. She was wrapped up in a jacket, that I didn't know she owned, it was kinda large with a few holes in it.

I knelt down in front of her and saw her peaceful expression, she was still breathing and looked uninjured.

'So she really was just talking to Touya huh?' I smiled softly and carefully picked her up, making sure the jacket stayed on to keep her warm.

I headed back home with her after checking that she didn't leave anything, seeing Shoto and Fuyumi on the way. They saw me with Y/n and I saw them both breathe a sigh of relief.

"Where was she?" Shoto asked.

"I found her asleep at Touya's grave, she must've just been talking to him and got carried away." I explained.

"Hey, is that your jacket Natsu? I don't remember you wearing it.." Fuyumi said to me.

"Huh? I thought it was Y/n's?" I said to her, confused.

Shoto shook his head, "I've never seen her wear that or anywhere ever."

"Huh... thats weird.."

(??? POV)

Y/n needs to stop being so careless sometimes, she'll get sick..

I took off my jacket and carefully wrapped it around her sleeping figure, being careful not to wake her.

"Sweet dreams, Y/n." I looked around to see a taller figure in the distance and I quickly snuck away under the cover of night.


You're welcome :)

I lowkey loved this idea so here, y'all have been fed.

Next actual chapter could be out soon, or not..

I guess we'll never know.


Thanks thanks,

(969 words)

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