💙Chapter 24💙

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(Chat we're locked in)

(Y/n POV, day of the provisional license exam)

After what felt like years of waiting and training, the exam was upon us. We all stepped out of the bus, and my nerves were really building up.

We were the only full first year class to take the exam, and seeing it all in front of me,

It was all really intimidating.

"Nows the time for all you kids to finally hatch and become chicks." Right, Aizawa sensei pep talk.

"Hell yeah! Let's become chicks, you guys!" I smiled a little at Kaminari's stupidity.

"alright, lets get ready with the usual,  PLUUSS-" Kirishima was ready to get the class fired up, when he was rudely interrupted.

"ULTRAAA" This guy from a different school had burst in, finishing our motto.

The shenanigans continued, with this guy from Shiketsu was it? I recognized that hat. I looked at Shoto, who was standing a few meters away from me, next to Midoriya. He looked like he recognized him. 

We still weren't exactly glued together anymore. He's tried to talk to me, but I just haven't been up for it. Everytime I try to open my mouth to talk, Touya's words replay in my brain.

"Do you really think Shoto has, and always will protect you?"

It loops in my head whenever we hold a conversation, I can't help it, as much as I want my brain to stop, it just won't.

"I'VE ALWAYS LOVED UA! IT'LL BE AN HONOUR TO BE ABLE TO COMPETE AGAINST YOU GUYS, I'M LOOKING FORWARD TO IT!" This strange guy was screaming as blood ran down his forehead, from smacking his head into the ground? What a strange bunch. He began to walk away with his schoolmates, when I noticed a girl from Shiketsu.

She had light brown hair down a little past her shoulders. She was insanely pretty. She must've noticed me staring because she gave me a smile then a small wave, like she knew me. I gave her a hesitant wave back and her face lit up a bit. She gave me a sly wink and caught up with the rest of her school.

My face burned a little. The fuck was that about?

"Inasa Yoarashi, that guy, last year when you guys enrolled, he got top scores in the entrance exam, but turned down the offer." So he's a first year like us... maybe this will be even harder than I thought. On top of that, if he got top scores in the entrance exam, then he was even stronger than my twin. That's a terrifying thought...

"He turned down UA but went on and on about how he loves us, what a weird guy.."

"As weird as he is, he's the real deal, keep an eye on hi-" Mr Aizawa was interrupted by another school.

"Eraser? Is that you Eraser?" Aizawa completely tensed up. 

"I've seen you all over TV, but its been so long since we've seen each other in person!" A hero-teacher strolled up to him. I recognized her, Miss Joke? Her quirk makes people uncontrollably laugh. God, that would be such a fun quirk. Imagine making Katsuki laugh his ass off.

Oh goddammit brain, I don't want to think about him either. Since I slapped him, I've been too embarrassed to bring it up and try to apologize. Just thinking about has me covering my face with my hands.

"Ah, Y/n, are you alright?" I look next to me, Jirou has a concerned look on her face.

"It's nothing, I swear!" My face goes bright red with embarrassment.

With my twin being a weird situation, and Bakugo being also a weird situation, I've been spending my time with Jirou. I finally asked her about learning an instrument, and she agreed after a bit of convincing.

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