💙Chapter 34💙

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(Huheufe hehe)

(Hawks POV)

I complied with (Y/n) 's request and left her alone for a bit. I felt bad, she was trembling that whole time, I don't even think she realized it. I call out Endeavour, who looks like he's trying to get to the elevator as fast as possible.

"Hey, Endeavour!" I wave after him, and he turns around looking pissed.

"What is it, Hawks." He grumbles at me, wow he looks insanely upset.

"Just wanted to see if you're all good, don't want you crying out on the street huh?" I'm teasing a little, but he did genuinely look like he wanted to burst into tears.

"I'm fine. I don't need you to check up on me, I deserve this." He grumbles out again. "Besides, I'd think you'd never want to talk to me again. Look at what I did to my own child!" His voice cracks a little, and he looks as if he can't bear to face himself, he probably can't.

"Look. I only know bits and pieces, and to be honest, you probably do deserve this, but the Endeavour out on the streets as a hero is different from the Todoroki family's father. You're growing as a hero, I've seen that. You have the capability and will to change as a parent too. That's more than a lot of shitty people I know." He's looking at me out of the corner of his eye, he naturally looks angry but I can tell he's absorbing everything I'm saying.

"Don't expect forgiveness ever, but don't stop trying just because of that. She may not ever want to see you again, so maybe the best you can do is try your hardest to make sure she's safe. Even without you around." I finish. Even if it's not the best advice in the world, I can't exactly imagine how (Y/n) feels at all. This is the best I can do.

Endeavour nods slowly before making his way to the elevator still. "Ok. Thank you for the advice, Hawks." And with that, he leaves. "You're welcome." I don't leave yet, I still need to mention a few things to (Y/n) before I leave to go on patrol.

(Y/n POV)

A couple of minutes after Hawks and Endeavour left, the red-winged hero strolled back in.

"Didn't I tell you I needed some time alone?" I said, colder than I meant to be.

"Sorry sorry, I just really needed to mention a couple of things before I have to go back out on patrol." He says, an apologetic look on his face.

 "Oh, alright then." 

"Keep your voice down when we talk about this K? I'm sure you read Dabi's letter." He started. I nodded at him.

"Well, he's practically been begging me lately to find a way to get you two to meet again, but it doesn't look likely. I told him everything about your injuries and the fact that you'll be monitored by UA." He sighed. 

"Monitored? That's a harsh way of putting it. Aizawa made it seem like they just wanted to avoid any more injury to me or anyone else." I replied.

"He made it seem that way but if I'm honest, they seem to suspect you." He says and I feel my heart sink a little. "What do you mean?" 

"Well, I'm not entirely sure why, but this on top of the kidnapping should honestly be clearing your name, but maybe they have their doubts. The commission shouldn't have anything to do with it either because they should know the same thing I told your teacher." He explains further, I feel the anxiety creep in a bit at the uncertainty.

"You mean the scuffed alibi you gave? Doesn't seem very strong." I say annoyed.

"Hey! I actually thought about it ok? There are more fine details in that alibi I haven't told you yet." He retaliates. "You are helping me with this investigation because of a few things you managed to learn when you were kidnapped. According to both you and Bakugo, you were kept in a different room until you woke up, where Dabi seemed to be interrogating you. During that time you managed to overhear some things while you pretended to be unconscious for a little longer, and then when you woke up you managed to sneak a glance at some files." He goes further into detail, there's no way he managed to come up with that on the spot.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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