💙Chapter 19💙

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(Not us getting kidnapped-)

(Y/n POV)

What the hell happened? 

All I remember is Touya going to take me somewhere and a really sharp pain in my neck, then I blacked out.

I was slowly coming back to consciousness when I realized I was tied down to a chair. I was now wide awake in panic mode, looking around the room I was in. It was really bare with a single bed in it, and sitting on it was Touya.

"Ah, you're finally awake. Took ya long enough." He stood up and walked over to me.

"Where the hell am I?" I looked up at him.

"Nothing special. Just the hideout, that's all."

"So I've been kidnapped?"

"Basically, yeah. Blasty's in the other room with everyone else, I wanted to have a chat with you when you woke up." Touya sat on the floor in front of me.

"Blasty? You mean you got Bakugo?" I said, slightly shocked that they actually managed to get ahold of him.

"Yeah yeah whatever, I have a proposal for you, dear little sis." His face and tone was serious, not like the Touya I knew. I wonder what happened..

"First off, I'm going by Dabi at the minute, so around others please call me that." I nodded.

"Second, why don't you join the league, you can have your own conditions on your role here, as long as our leader agrees with them." He gave me a smile, it was comforting yet unsettling at the same time. I let out a sigh and had a little think about it, when an idea popped into my head.

"Sure, I'll do it."


"Hey Dabii~ Hurry it up in there! Shiggy wants to talk to her and so do I! We have her restraints set up in the other room alreadyy." The voice sounded feminine, and for some reason I feel like the owner of the voice would annoy me to death.

"I'll be out in second crazy, tell that baby to have some patience." He yelled at the door, I heard footsteps retreating and Touya began to untie me. He grabbed me by the neck and pulled me out the room with him into the other one.

"Finally, do you know how long we were waiting?" I heard the all too familiar voice of Shigaraki.

"Gimme a break, this brat's painful." He shook me a bit, I gave him an annoyed look to which he replied with an apologetic one.

Looking around, I saw many others in the room which resembled a bar of sorts. I saw the warp villain behind the counter. Shigaraki and the knock off Deadpool guy that was at the training camp, and a high school girl occupied the stools in front of the counter. There was also a lizard guy and a person with cool sunglasses and puffy lips

and there was also Bakugo tied to a chair, his hands restrained kinda like at the sports festival.

He was looking at me, sweat running down his forehead. He looked really pissed, a scowl on his face, though it faded for a second when I looked at him.

Behind his chair was another one, it was empty and the two chairs were positioned so that the backs were touching, so the villains in front of us would have a side profile of both of us.

I was dragged over to the chair, I didn't resist as I was getting strapped to it. Cuffs were put around my wrists instead of what Bakugo had.

"Quirk cancelling handcuffs, nice aren't they?" Hand man looked at me through the fingers on his face. I gasped quietly and tried to use my quirk, it wasn't working.

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