Is Sirius Out There?

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Y/N's Pov

I woke up the next day to a certain platinum blond staring at me ."It's getting creepy now Draco"I said in my morning voice."Good Morning to you to Y/n," he said.

"How long have you been awake," I asked him getting up from the bed."It's seven right now breakfast starts in 15 minutes," he said still in bed. As he saw he got up he ran towards the other side of the bed and came to help me"You can't do it without me" He said confidently smirking."Try me" I said smiling towards him. 

As I started to go towards the bathroom he handed me my uniform. He was going to leave I asked him"Hey Draco, Can you please wake up pansy??"."Sure," He said going towards pansy's bed. I went into the bathroom to get ready.


(At breakfast)

"They are saying Sirius black is out there somewhere near the castle, "Blaise said reading the Daily Prophet."But there are dementors here to protect the castle right there's no way he can get in"Pansy said."I won't be so sure about that" I said Staring down at my cereal bowl. Draco had zoned out "Earth to Draco!"I said. coming out of his thoughts he answered"Yeah...uh..what??"."What do you think about Sirius" I again asked him." Well depends if the dementors really help or not."

Draco's Pov

It was breakfast but I didn't felt like eating anything. I was scared if Y/n had any more of that dreams after all our parents are also Deatheaters.

Then I heard Blaise saying something about Sirius black. I was very scared for Y/n now. Is Sirius out for Y/n's powers also. I got out of my thinking bubble when I heard Y/n's voice calling me.


(After some classes)


"What's the next class Draco?" I asked Draco." DADA by professor Remus Lupin," he said."Pansy!Blaise?" I asked to see if they are here not."Yes y/n" both replied in a unison." Nothing just checking on you two" I said smirking.

We reached our DADA class Draco went in front of me and pushed people out of my way."I am no royal princess Draco" I said smiling towards him as we reached a pillar and I rested my back on me."You are to me" He said bowing in front of me. I felt my cheeks heat up.


(After explaining about the boggart)

We were currently learning about Boggarts and what spell to use to get rid of them, "Repeat after me, Riddikulus." Professor Lupin started, most of the class copied him and chanted the spell. "This class is ridiculous," Draco muttered and rolled his eyes. The rest of the group chuckled quietly. Neville then went up to the boggart, we were instructed to form a line and prepare to say the spell.

Draco said me not to go. I still went up in the line by him following me.

Everyone in front of me went up then it was my turn, I waited patiently for Boggart to show me what I'm afraid of, then suddenly Tom riddle appeared in front of me. "Riddikulus Y/N" Professor lupin said to me.I pointed my wand towards him but nothing came out of my mouth. 

Suddenly everything blacked out and saw him in front of me Tom riddle."You can't do this every time RIDDLE!".Before he could say anything. I teleported behind him and said, "I am here Riddle!"."You can't get away from me" He said angrily coming outwards me. I again teleported out of his way." Crucio" I yelled towards Tom (you can do wandless magic).

He screamed in pain and fell down."How dare you do this to me..!!"."It's called karma biatch!" I yelled at him. I bent down towards him and whispered in his ear "Goodnight Riddle".

I got out of the blacked-out scene back into my reality to see myself laying again on the hospital beds."Oh dear you are awake!!" she said hurrying towards me." Your Mr.Malfoy and your friends won't leave you alone".I smiled at remembering the face of the blond. 

I then see my hand from the fracture plaster. Madam Pomfrey noticed me looking at my hand and said "Oh yeah I Took out your fracture"."Didn't my hand break when I fell down??" I asked confused."OH dear you didn't have a chance to fall down your boyfriend or would I prefer to say Mr.Malfoy didn't let you. he caught you and brought you to the hospital wing."."Oh...He is not my boyfriend..."


(after getting out of the hospital wing)

Draco came to pick me up from the hospital wing.

We were walking towards the great hall(you can walk perfectly now)"It's dinner now Y/n," He said."Oh yeah."

I reached towards the Great hall to see Pansy and Blaise waiting for me there they ran up to us and both hugged me tightly.

"We were worried about you?? what happened??"Blaise and Pansy asked.

"Can we let her sit and give her some food first?" Draco said from my side

"Yeah..uh..sure, "Pansy said taking me towards the Slytherin tables. We ate and I told them about everything that happened.

"So is he defeated"Blaise asked curiously."Yeah, I guess"I answered him. I looked over towards the golden trio they were looking at me they gave me a weak smile.


(After dinner)

As soon as we were getting out of the great hall and we reached the dungeons. Our prefect rushed us over towards the great hall again.

"What happened now?"I asked my friends. They all shook their heads.

We saw Dumbledore telling us that Sirius black had come into the school. I looked over to Draco who was as worried as me.

"Okay lay your sleeping bags lights out in five, "Our prefect said.

I got into my bed and I was in between Draco and pansy. Draco had turned towards my side. Pansy was facing Blaise. I planned after Dumbledore and teachers were not there I would sneak out.

After some time Draco was fast asleep. Or so I thought. As I was ready to get up I got out of my blanket Draco shot open his eyes and put his hand on my waist and said "Not so fast princess".He was now smirking and asked me "Where were you going?".

"Uh..I.I was going to the restroom" I said stuttering."Don't lie to me" He said opening his blanket and signalling me to get in. I got into his blanket he cuddled with me for some time He asked me "Blaise is taking pansy to Hogsmeade tomorrow, So you and I will be lonely. We can go together. Would you like to go with me? I mean it's not like I'm needy many girls asked me before but I thought you would be alone".I smiled at his nervousness and said "No need to say that all sure I would go with you"."Great" he said smirking now. We eventually fell asleep.

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