Chapter 15: Shigaraki's tomb (sorta)

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<Third Person POV>

Deku looked out of the cracked window preparing himself for a jump. Before he was about to start his run up for the window he was rudely interrupted by shape shifter..

"W-Wait" he mumbled whilst looking up at Deku

"What is it" Deku wondered

"Before you go... you have to know of the location of him...." Shape shifter told him

Deku raised an eyebrow as shape shifter tried to force out his sentence....

"H-he's in Shigaraki's old base... that's where he told me he was gonna go earlier" shape shifter revealed

Deku shot him a smile as a way to say thank you... shape shifters wasn't to much of a bad guy... He seemed quite reliable.



Shards of the glass window that Deku had jumped out dropped onto the floor. Deku had skimmed the edge of the glass while he jumped out of the already opened window..

He dived down to the road whilst keeping him limbs in check so they don't flail around. Much like Spider-Man he attached his black whip to a  part of a building and flung himself upwards....

Although deku was entirely serious he still felt the thrill of zooming through the city like this.. He quickly grabbed his phone out of his pocket....

'I should call Ochako before I think of doing anything reckless..." Deku thought to himself

"BEEP BEEP BEEP" the phone rang

"Ochako I've found the location and I'm rushing there now , use this phone all to track my location" Deku explained

"Dummy do you even have a plan or are you just gonna go in guns blazing"  Ochako said

"U-uh g-good point" deku stuttered

"I'm gathering up the rest of the heroes... DON'T YOU DARE ENTER WITHOUT US" Ochako yelled through the phone

"Yeah yeah ... Bye honey" he replied

"Bye honey... please don't do anything stupid without us" Ochako

After the call ended Deku knew exactly what he was gonna do... Recklessly break into Shigaraki's base... the same one where Shigaraki gained his improved form...

He could see it right in front of him.. a cavern on the side of a gigantic mountain.. even without entering it you could see the interior. As deku got closer the ominous rain dropped onto his hero costume...

He dropped down to the entrance of the base and looked in from the outside. Obviously the base looked completely abandoned as it hadn't been touched in many years. Scientists had stolen all the equipment to find out about it so it just looked like an empty room...

'He must have hidden an entrance to another part of the cave where he keeps his equipment' Deku thought to himself

Deku starting looking at each little part of the room begging for some sort of clue to help him get to where ...he was....

'Could shape shifters have lied to me.... No... he seemed scared when he told me that... I'm pretty sure he hasn't been taking acting classes..' Deku thought to himself

After a few minutes of searching he found a bump in the wall... it felt almost like a button. In hopes that it would lead him to Villain Deku he pushed down on the button. Beside him pistons pulled some wall back to reveal a secret pathway.

Before Deku could react a large 7ft figure started running down the corridor mindlessly. Deku braced himself as a fist clobbered him sending him flying into a wall across the room.

"Holy c-crap" deku mumbled

His eyes fluttered open and looked at the hulk like figure. Soon light from outside the cavern started to shine on the figure revealing his heroic red , blue and yellow skin tight clothing.

Deku saw the perfectly styled blonde hair on-top of the figures head... he knew exactly who this was... key word WAS.

"A-all m-might" deku stuttered out the words

"Nghhuuuh" the creature mumbled

The creature once was all might... When villain Deku came to power he knew that the first person he should convert to a villain should be his own Ex-idol.

"SUUUHHHHMASHUUUUUUUU" the creature yelled

'One for all 35%' Deku thought to himself

Deku saw the fist crashing in his direction.... To stop the first he let out some black whip and wrapped it around its fist. The fist was still pushing through to Deku so he caught the fist with his hands and let the black whip go.

"RAHHHHHH" Deku yelled as he threw all might across the room

As all might left Deku's grip he touched Deku's forehead with all 5 fingers... could this All might-nomu have more than one quirk...

A white aura spread around Deku before he fell down to the floor.. He was on his knees... so tired.... He had to continue to stop All might...

The all might seemed unfazed from the throw. He only had a few cuts and bruises from crashing into the wall. As soon as he got up he started mindlessly running towards Deku.

Deku knew he had to stop him then and there before he fell asleep from how tired he was... he looked all might in the eyes before concentrating on one for all..

"ONE FOR ALL 75%" Deku yelled

Deku aimed his fist at all might and started charging towards him... he aimed his fist right for all nights head... one swift movement to knock him out...

"DETROIT SMASHHHHH" Deku yelled as he slammed his fist into all nights face.

They both fell down to the ground... one from pain and the other from tiredness. Deku stared up at the roof of the room... he saw a green haired man grip his skull and lift him off the ground...

He was wearing a suit and gloves on his hands.... Deku soon fell unconscious as this person dragged him to another room...

-End of chapter

I got distracted from writing again because I was watching JoJo. hopefully I should be able to finish this soon..

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