Chapter 16: The real truth

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<Third Person POV>

Sparks started coming from Deku's body. Red lines crossed around his body. He felt weaker than before... I mean most people would say that after fighting an all might level opponent.

Aches were all around his body causing the activation process of his quirk to be slower but if he put all him stamina on it he could probably take out Villain deku and All might at the same time...

"C-come on" Deku mumbled

"CRACK" All might-nomu had Broken out of his restraints and was headed straight for the heroes.

In that moment Deku reached his 100% of one for all and felt a rush of adrenaline going around his body... his second eye opened he had to take them out.. and quickly.

"AHHHHH" he roared whilst snapping the restraints

He launched himself at the all night-nomu and pulled back his fist. The nomu was close by to villain deku and Deku had come up with a plan. If he managed to get in front of the two villains he could attack the villains without causing damage to the heroes.

Deku caught up to the two villains and placed both his feet on their shoulders. He used them to twist around and push them back a little bit with his feet. In those few moments moments he could see Villain Deku's face he could see how scared he really was of Deku.

"DETROIT SMASHHHHHHHHHH" deku yelled sending a shockwave towards the two villains

They were both hit from point blank range sending them far back to where deku was restrained to. Villain deku couldn't believe what he was witnessing.

"IZUKU" Ochako yelled from behind

Villain deku got back on his feet and charged at him. Deku looked back at the heroes about to say something to them....

"I'm going to try something new and hope it works... stand back" Deku muttered

Suddenly red energy expelled from his body. It wrapped all around the mountain and floor. The media didn't even know this battle was going on so he might as-well use this move.

A few seconds later the mountain was completely cleared out and only flat land was left. Luckily this could be fixed later when he uses the move again but it was still shocking to see the heroes reactions.


"Jeez kacchan I haven't talked to you in years... it's a quirk I gained from ... for all" he mumbled that last bit

"I TOLD YOU TO STOP CALLING ME KA.... Forget it nerd just finish the damn fight while we stand back" bakugo replied

Deku looked back at all might-nomu and Deku who were standing with loose posture and confused impressions on their faces..

"H-how did you do that..." Villain deku mumbled

"Ha...Ha... is that all you've got" Villain deku shouted clearly trying to cover his shocked-ness

"I've got plenty more to give" Deku said with his hands raised up to his chest

All might-nomu and Villain Deku both launched off their feet and ran directly towards deku. Quickly, the same red energy from before appear right in front of all might-nomu and Villain Deku's faces.

Before they could react they both slammed into a wall which was created by the red energy. All might-nomu broke through while Villain deku slammed into the wall and fell onto the ground.
As villain deku was still getting up all might-nomu kept running towards deku.

"ONE FOR ALL 100%" deku yelled

Deku was going to launch him into the stratosphere just like his all might did to the nomu in the USJ...

Their fists connected with a punch sending a shock wave around them. Deku smirked.. Maybe the nomu was actually stronger than Villain Deku himself and villain Deku just had the power to control it.

"I won't be wasting any of my time on you" Deku mumbled at the nomu

Deku threw him a few meters(I'm sorry if I keep switching measurement Units during the story lol)into the air..

"You may remember these words deep inside your memory" deku mumbled

"The words you should have taught him instead of letting him go" deku said looking at villain Deku who was rushing over to them

"GO BEYOND" deku yelled


The all might nomu was flung into the air. It looked like it was in a lot of pain. Before it could go anywhere deku morphed a box made of the strongest material on earth around him. He started to drop down onto the ground...

Now all that was left was villain deku...

"Show me what you've got" deku mumbled

Villain Deku charged towards him. He swerved from left to right to try and catch Deku of guard. Deku ducked down as he got close and grabbed his two legs.

"NO" villain deku said

A massive shockwave erupted from him sending both of them back. Maybe villain Deku really did have more to offer...

As the shockwave pushed them back , Deku let out a black whip and latched it onto villain deku. Surprisingly the whip started to decay as if the other deku had a quirk similar to Shigaraki's.

Using quick thinking deku retracted black whip and the two enemy's fell back onto their backs. Deku got up first and charged at at the villain and slammed his fist into his head.

Shockingly a large dent was on his face... Deku looked confused , the only thing that could be dented like this must have been made of metal... sparks came off "villain Deku"...

"what... the" deku gasped

This was no human at all.... That was a robot... Villain Deku never really existed and his whole entire backstory was fabricated... A usb stick dropped out from the mouth of "villain deku".

Deku grabbed it and since it was a robot there was no saliva. Completely dry.... The other heroes checked out all might-nomu and realised he was a robot too...


The police had taken in the robotic bodies of the two villains. Deku had the USB stick that dropped off Villain deku... he was at home late at night... the lights were off . It was just him and his computer.

Deku plugged in the USB and a video player showed up in his task bar....

"Hello" a man said

Deku could recognise him instantly... Dr Garaki... he's been dead for years now...

"If your seeing this you have managed to defeat my robot of an adult version of the hero deku" he explained

"Only high level heroes and villains can achieve this feat so I'm guessing your either : Dynamight , Deku , Shigaraki , shoto" he told Deku

"Congratulations..." he mumbled and the video cut off..

"Ughhh what a week ... all that effort for nothing" deku muttered as he walked over to his bed.

He flopped onto the bed and passed out seconds after....

-End of story

Damn it's over. That last part with the robot came to mind as I was writing the last 700 words so nice..

Anyway this isn't my last book. I have two marvel books planned for later so that's something to look forward to....

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