The Heartbreak

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Imagine you were in a group composed of seven Korean men. Now imagine you had a crush on one of them, but then it turns out your crush has a crush on your best friend and asks you for advice. That's what Park Jimin was going through at the moment. He did not know when his heart began to skip at the mere mention of Jungkook's name, or when he started prioritizing everything the younger said over his own wants and needs; he really had no clue how, when, or what caused his feelings to change, but they did. He knew he had to do something about it, but if there was one thing that defined Jimin in the group, it was his slowness. He was slow walking, getting ready, eating; you name it! So when it came to admitting his feelings, he was the slowest of the bunch.

Apart from being a main dancer and singer, he had somehow become the group's Cupid. Despite being the one with least experience, he somehow knew what to say at the right times. He knew how to listen and had a phenomenal emotional intelligence. Namjoon would come and speak to him about meeting this really smart girl at a library, or Jin would go on and on about how he met the love of his life at a restaurant. Sometimes Yoongi came to his room to rant about how he couldn't find anyone. He knew about every girl Hoseok had ever kissed, and his best friend always spoke to him about some guy or girl he found attractive. Like always, he listened, he advised, he kept the confession safe and went along his day. Usually, his hyungs and best friend were the only ones seeking his advice, so it came as a shock when Jungkook knocked on Jimin's door looking quite nervous.

"Hyung, can I come in?" The younger boy did not wait for Jimin's answer as he walked in and closed the door behind him. Judging by his expression, Jimin already knew this was not something Jungkook wished to do. "I think I like someone." He began and Jimin froze as his heart began to accelerate. Part of him wished that jungkook came to confess to him, but he knew that was not the case. Everyone knew Jimin gave the best advice, so having him come here meant he was seeking said advice. With a shaky breath he prepared himself for heartbreak.

"The thing is, it's a guy." Jungkook closed his eyes as if expecting Jimin to lash out on him. But if there was something Jimin wound't judge, it was love. Of course, he felt his heart shatter, but he was not one to judge a preference when he himself was into men.

"So you like guys?" Jimin looked at Jungkook with raised brows. He tried to speak as softly as possible so as to not get Jungkook even more nervous, but the news had taken a toll on him.

"I don't know anymore. I thought I liked girls, but something happened with this one guy and now I can't seem to get him off my mind."

Jimin felt his pulse quicken and his throat clog up.

"May I know who it is?" He asked as he gently removed Jungkook's hands off his red face. He looked away as if embarrassed so Jimin rephrased the question. "You don't need to tell me, but if you need advice it is best I know who you are talking about. Is it someone I know?" At that, Jungkook looked up right into Jimin's eyes in shock. Though he already knew the answer to the question given the maknae's expression, he patiently waited for him to answer.

They sat on opposite beds. Jimin in his own bed and Jungkook in Hoseok's who was still out getting dinner. All that could be heard was both of their nervous breathing and it was after a couple of minutes of staring and gulping that Jungkook answered, "yes." He averted his eyes to the ground. Jungkook was never good at keeping his eyes on people, especially Jimin.

"Is it one of the members?"

Again, Jungkook froze and a tiny spec of hope grew in Jimin's chest. "Who?" He whispered as he slightly brushed his thumb over Jungkook's hand. A ghost of a touch and smile that quickly went away as the next words left the younger's lips. "T-Taehyung."

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