The Camping

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It appears Jungkook was a bit more upset than Jimin thought, because for some reason he seemed to be avoiding him at all costs. They'd finally been given a vacation and he thought that maybe it was the perfect time to set the second part of the plan in motion. He thought the younger would still be asking for his advice but as the days went by he realized Jungkook had already begun to take Taehyung out without telling him anything. Any time he would go by Jungkook's room to ask about how the practice date went and how he was feeling, he'd already see Taehyung in the room.

Don't get him wrong, he was happy that his plan was working and both boys had been spending time with each other, but he was also feeling down because he thought he could at least still be a part of the younger's life in some way. If it wasn't as his significant other, then being his Cupid could do. But now, he wasn't even getting that. Not only that, but he didn't have his best friend to talk to and the rest of the hyungs were just too busy to hear him out. So he did what he does best, he kept his problems to himself.

They still had a lot of time left to go before they had to go back to work, but Jimin decided spending some time with his friends and going out on his own was a good way of coping. He didn't state his problems to them, but they still made him forget about his worries. His padding squad buddies could see that everyone in the group was tense for something or other so they decided to take the weekend off to camp out. They'd all agreed to that idea and decided to go back home after their dinner to get packing for the camping trip. It was strange to have the opportunity to all be together, so they took advantage of it instead of letting the time pass.

"See you!" Jimin smiled brightly as he waved at his friends. He got into a company van that was already waiting for him and sighed contently. He really needed to get over Jungkook so he thought maybe the time they were spending apart would give him room to actually heal. Something he hadn't done since getting his heart broken. A weekend away would not only help him, but also his friends who all seemed to be worried about something.

As soon as he arrived home he greeted his members who were all watching some show in the leaving room before going to his room to get packing. He really hated packing stuff, he always forgot about something, but he'd recheck everything in the morning. For now, he wanted to go to the living room and join everyone on the couch. "What are you guys watching?" Jimin asked as he sat beside Taehyung.

What he thought was a series was actually some sort of camping guide. "We were watching this for when we go camping tomorrow. Go pack your stuff so you won't forget anything." Hoseok replied.

Jimin did remember seeing a bag by his room door. He looked at them with wide eyes, feeling guilty since he'd already made plans to go with his friends. It wasn't like he wanted to say no to them, it's just he promised his friends already and he was sort of hoping to not be beside Jungkook that weekend. "Hyung I did pack, but I was gonna go packing with my Padding Squad this weekend." Someone paused the TV and they all turned to Jimin.

"We know, didn't they tell you we were joining?" Taehyung asked and Jimin dumbly shook his head. They just made plans to go, how did they even know about it? It seems Taehyung knew what he was thinking because he answered without being asked. "Taemin hyung called me this morning to say they were taking you away for the weekend, but you know I love camping so I asked if we could go."

"And he said yes..." Jimin stated, still confused. Granted, Taemin was always too nice to say no, but would he call his best friend just to say he was taking him away? Though unlikely, he wouldn't put it past him; if Jimin was an angel Taemin was an archangel.

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