The Practice Date

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A day had passed since Jungkook and Jimin's plan began. Phase one had been set in motion as both of the Busan boys made sure Jungkook would always sit next to Taehyung. Jimin would sit beside his best friend and make a space for Jungkook between them. Whenever they were to stand or ride a car Jimin would grab Jungkook and accompany him towards Taehyung; always fulfilling his role as a third wheel.

The awaited MAMA awards finally arrived, and this time instead of staying beside Jungkook to make sure he did things according to plan, Jimin sat in a car with Hoseok and Namjoon. Taehyung eyed him weirdly before getting in the next car with the maknae.

As they arrived to the red carpet, Jimin stuck to Hoseok, but stayed close to Taehyung so the latter wouldn't leave Jungkook's side. Though he felt rotten inside, Jimin gave the cameras his brightest smile as they were escorted to the dressing rooms. Jungkook looked at Jimin before he pulled Taehyung to one of the couches and both began to chatter on and on about something or other. The maknae sat closer to Taehyung and laughed about something the handsome man said. Oh how Jimin wished that laugh would be form something he said.

Since they were the most popular group they'd been given a private dressing room for their use only, and yet the rest of the members had gone out to speak to other groups. All except for the maknae line and Yoongi who had fallen asleep on one of the couches. Despite the funny appearance of his hyung, his eyes couldn't seem to leave Taehyung and Jungkook as they whispered things to one another.

They'd sure make a cute couple. Jimin thought with a frown. He needed some time out, Jungkook could manage on his own from here. With that thought he stood up, but just as he was about to leave Wonho came in with a bright smile, surprising Jimin. "Wonho?" At the name, the whispering boys looked up and both gasped in shock at the sight. They'd expected a big guy, but never in one million years would they expect this to be the Wonho Jimin talked about. He had his performance outfit on, a cropped sweater that hugged his body enough to show every bit of muscle. He had leather pants on and his bleached hair made his dark skin stand out.

"What are you-" This man really had the tendency to shut Jimin up, and it was starting to get annoying, especially if he was shutting him up with a kiss on the forehead. Jimin pushed him slightly and rubbed his forehead in confusion. "Wonho-" Again he was cut off by another kiss, this time on the corner of his mouth. Jimin blushed profusely and his eyes widened in shock. His heart beat loudly in his chest, though not because he enjoyed it. Wonho's eyes fell on the pair on the couch and a recently awoken and very shocked Yoongi before letting Jimin go.

Was this considered a kiss? No, right? Oh my gosh.

Jimin was silently freaking out. He really needed to speak to Wonho about boundaries. Sure he wanted to help, but this was certainly not the way. He wanted to cry, badly, but all he could do was stare at Wonho in shock as he greeted his members as if nothing had happened. He noticed Tae and strangely, Jungkook giving him a weird look. He looked at Taehyung once more and it seemed he saw the desperation in Jimin's eyes because he stood up, bowed to Wonho politely and dragged Jimin out of the dressing room. Jimin kept his head down so no one could see his already fallen tears and Taehyung opened a bathroom door and locked it behind them. He checked every stool and when he made sure it was empty he turned to Jimin.

"Are you okay?"

The single question had Jimin pacing around the bathroom and griping at his hair. "Tae, does that count as a kiss? I don't want my first kiss to be like that, or with a guy I barely even know. I am freaking out, how could he do that."

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