The Farm

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They'd been walking for an hour and were pretty much exhausted. "How much longer?" Taehyung whined as he leaned to Jungkook for support.

"Only a few more yards, don't worry." Kai said.

And sure enough about three hundred yards later they were finally entering the farm. Despite the heat and the overall tiredness Jimin ran over to the sheep and giggled in excitement. "Hyung look, there's also an alpaca!" Jimin yelled towards Jin.

The older ran over with a large smile and took his phone out to take a picture. Jungkook had been using his camera for the trail but he seemed most inspired now. Jimin took a bit of grass and extended his arm out. It seemed luck was on his side because the alpaca walked over and ate from his hand. There was a camera shutter and Jimin turned towards Jungkook in shock. "Tell me when you're taking a picture! I need to get ready first JK." Jungkook giggled and ran off with Jimin behind him while the rest of the guys just watched with big smiles on their faces. The two boys reached the farm house, completely out of breath. "Last one in is a loser." Jimin bumped the taller with his hip before walking into the cool air inside. Jimin expected to see anything but a bright eyed shirtless young man in jean overalls standing at the center of the room. Jimin bowed politely and the foreigner approached him with bright smile. It seemed like he worked with physical labor because his muscles were ripped and glossy with sweat. He extended an arm out for Jimin to shake and the smaller took it respectfully. This guy was that out of a western movie.

"Jimin hyung, that's no fair you-" Jungkook stopped short as he saw the stranger in the room. He walked closer to the pair with his back straightened. Jimin let go of the man's hand first, who then proceeded to shake Jungkook's hand. Jimin noticed the tight grip and winced internally, how some people felt the need to shake a hand so hard was just confusing to him. The handsome man let go first and turned to Jimin with a small smile. "So your name's Jimin?"

The smaller nodded. "I'm Daniel, nice to meet you." He extended his hand out again, but Jungkook shook it again instead. "I'm Jungkook, nice to meet you too."

The man chuckled before letting go and pointing to an open doorway. "The food is over there, I'll wait for Kai here you go on ahead." Jimin bowed again before both boys walked into the kitchen that was connected to the dinning room. Jungkook and Jimin sat down and looked around in silence as they waited for the rest.

"I don't like that guy." Jungkook whispered to Jimin suddenly.

"I thought he was nice." Jimin shrugged. Jungkook looked at Jimin's neck and opened his mouth as if he was about to say something, but the rest of the group barged in. Jimin subconsciously touched his neck and collar bone to see if he had something there, but he could only feel his necklace. Everyone began to sit down as a lady brought the food in; she only bowed before leaving in a hurry. Daniel had decided to sit in front of Jimin and the two settled into their own conversation for a while. Daniel kept glancing down to Jimin's body every once in a while, when he suddenly leaned closer to Jimin.

"You might want to put some ice on that." Daniel pointed towards his collar bone. Jimin rubbed his fingers over the area and sure enough there was a sore spot just over the bone. How did he miss that? His brows furrowed in confusion as he tried to look, but couldn't really see anything. "There's a bathroom down the hall, first door to the right."

Jimin stood up and Jungkook grabbed his leg. "Where are you going hyung?"

"Bathroom, I'll be right back." Jimin said before slipping out of the room. He followed Daniel's instructions and soon found himself in the bathroom. He closed the door behind him and turned to the mirror. "What the hell?" He murmured as he lightly touched the sore spot. He had a purple splotch on his collarbone area which he certainly didn't have before. He turned the faucet on and rubbed it with soap and water but it didn't seem to go away. He decided maybe washing his face and brushing his hair with water would help him think clearer but it did not. At least he didn't look like a mess anymore. He couldn't believe he looked like that in front of Jungkook.

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