The Plan

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Why did Wonho do that? Now the rest of them think I've actually done it. Did he do it on purpose? Of course he did it on purpose, that's why he asked me if all of the members were present. But how did he figure out I was talking about one of his band members? Is he trying to get Jungkook jealous or something 'cause I already know that won't work.

Jimin had locked himself inside his bathroom as he knew he'd find the members waiting for him on his bed, especially Taehyung, Hoseok and Jungkook. Yoongi had given up a few hours ago, while Jin and Namjoon went to go make dinner. Yes, Jimin had locked himself in the bathroom for the rest of the day. He hadn't even had lunch and his grumbling stomach was the evidence for that. He just didn't know how to face them. He was embarrassed and he had called Wonho to tell him this, but the older just laughed and said, 'trust me' before cutting the call once again. The members still didn't know which Wonho he was talking about, but they'd surely find out in two days at the MAMA awards.

With a sigh he laid his head back on the empty bathtub. He didn't want them to think he'd lost his virginity. Sure he wasn't the first, in fact he was the only one of the group who hadn't done anything like that; including kissing. He planned on getting Taehyung to think he was over his 'little' crush on Jungkook, but it most certainly wasn't by having him think he was hooking up with someone he barely even knew. There was a knock on the door and Jimin got startled out of his thoughts.

"Jiminie, you have to eat. Come out of there." Hoseok said. As if on queue Jimin's stomach grumbled again. He stood up from the tub and slowly walked to the door of the bathroom. He braced himself and took a breather before opening the door and walking out.

Taehyung put an arm on Jimin's shoulder and silently walked him out to the dining room. Thankfully everyone had dropped the subject, though he could still sense a bit of disappointment, curiosity and giddiness. Jin and hoseok were stealing glances at him with large smiles. They were the first ones who had lost their virginity so they knew how Jimin could be feeling. Sure, they'd never done it with a guy before, but it was exciting to have all the members of the group form a part of the non-virgin club. Namjoon and Yoongi looked at Jimin in curiosity, as if they never thought he could possible know the meaning of the word sex. He was their little mochi, their Cupid, their angel. He still was, but now there was a newfound respect towards him. Jungkook and Taehyung on the other hand, looked a bit of all three but they mostly looked disappointed. He knew why they were disappointed, which was why he was so upset at Wonho for saying they'd done something when they really hadn't.

A couple of years ago the maknae line of Bangtan were watching a movie on Netflix. They'd clicked the shuffle button so the movie got picked on its own and they ended up watching Fifty Shades of Grey. They'd heard things before, about intercourse, but they surely did not know about how torturous people could be. Of course, having the least experience in dating and not having even kissed a single person, Jimin had shied away for most of the movie which lead to the three boys talking about the subject. Though Jungkook was younger, Jimin was more innocent, so he immediately declared he was never doing it in the foreseeable future. The only way he'd do it was if he really loved someone and he felt mentally prepared after he was with that person for a while. So they made a promise to each other to never have meaningless sex with someone. Anyone who was romantically involved in their lives would have to get the seal of approval from the other two before engaging in anything other than kissing. That's what happened with Taehyung and a girl he secretly dated who turned out to just be looking for someone to bed. After she got what she wanted she left a heartbroken Tae to the arms of his best friend Jimin. A Jimin who, at the time, was struggling with clearing up his own sexuality. When Jungkook sought out for their approval, Jimin needed a whole week to realize Jungkook would never be his, and so he gave his seal of approval by that weekend. Unfortunately due to all the traveling they both had to do, she broke it off with Jungkook. Though the boy was sad, he did not feel heartbroken. That happened once more with each maknae, except the second time Taehyung had brought in a guy and came out as bisexual to the both of them. They'd hugged it out and after meeting the man they gave their seal of approval. The girl Jungkook brought around that same time was a bit older than him and it turned out she was already married and cheating on her husband with Jungkook. The maknae immediately broke it off, but this time he'd actually cried. It seemed he liked mature girls more.

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