The Love

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It had been a week since the camping had ended, and the Padding Squad made a separate group chat with the rest of the BTS members. What a mistake that was. Now, there was a new meme being sent every couple of minutes and it appeared they all believed themselves to be bloggers, because there were at least five thousand pictures between everyone's phones and Yoongi's and Jungkook's cameras. Yoongi had apparently taken pictures of Jimin and Jungkook when they had gone in the river. And of course, Jimin secretly saved them in his computer. He would often times stare at the picture where Jungkook had steadied him by the slippery rocks and find himself relieving that moment over and over again. 

Jimin remembered the advice Daniel had given him about the wound and had put ice on it for that entire week. Thankfully it was close to fully disappearing, but he was having trouble remembering the word Daniel had used to refer to the wound. He was just giving up his search until Taehyung came to his room and showed him his own mark. Jimin had asked if he too had gotten bitten and Taehyung laughed before explaining how the mark was made. So not only was his plan as Cupid not working, but what he thought was a spider bite was actually made by a person. He had shooed Taehyung out of his room and run over to his computer. 

Which lead him to this moment. Jimin's eyes roamed the pictures that appeared after he'd typed the word 'hickey' and sure enough the screen was filled up with images of people with bruises similar to his. The only thing that changed was the location of the hickey on the people that had them. He clicked on a video and blushed furiously at what he saw. The video had a guy sucking the neck of a girl until the bruise was formed. 

"But, I've never done that! How could I possibly-" Jimin's eyes widened in realization. Yoongi said he'd taken pictures all night, maybe there was one that revealed who was with him that night. He still hadn't checked all the pictures and videos, since he had been too absorbed by the picture in the river, so he clicked on the 'SQUAD CAMP' folder he'd saved in his desktop and scrolled through the photos and videos. He saw pictures of everyone having fun at the lake and he was about to give up looking for anything in the vast amount of files before he got a glimpse of himself in the background from one of them. It was one of the videos. He clicked the play button and focused his eyes on anything suspicious.

"one, two, three, say cheese!" he heard Yoongi say. Jimin saw everyone posing as a drunken Jimin spoke to someone in the background of the video. He looked at the group to see who was missing and just as he realized who it was Jungkook came into the camera frame while holding Jimin's hand. They both stumbled towards the tent and Jimin saw how the younger struggled to open it before they made their way inside.

"Oh shit, it's a video."  Yoongi's laugh cut off when the video turned black. With trembling hands Jimin clicked on the next picture and zoomed in on the tent in the back. The bonfire hitting the tent had casted the two boy's silhouettes and from what Jimin could see they were close enough to kiss. Bit by bit the memories of that night came rushing back to Jimin and he struggled to breathe. He didn't know whether to feel nauseous or ecstatic, but what he did know was how those warm and soft lips felt against his cold skin. He was about to zoom in more when Jungkook suddenly barged into the room. In that moment, Jimin was sure he was going to have a heart attack. But thankfully, the computer was facing the other way so he hurriedly changed the picture to one of him holding a sheep. 

"Hi hyung!" Jungkook greeted as he sat down on Jimin's bed without an invitation. They had developed a routine a routine in the past week; Jungkook would come to Jimin's room, they'd practice what Jungkook would do or say and then the younger would execute the idea the next day.

And though Jimin should've been thinking about how to make a better progress with Taehyung's own feelings, seeing as he was still involved with other people, he couldn't bring himself to do so. Especially now that all he could think about was how good it felt to have Jungkook on top of him.

Hurts To Love - JIKOOK short storyWhere stories live. Discover now