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Everyone was happy in Singh house,today their son was finally coming to India from South Korea
after finishing his studies.
Mrs.Singh: where is everyone? We have to leave . Mahir's flight is gonna land in 15 seconds.
Mr .Singh: don't worry Mahir's mamma   we will reach on time.
Mrs.Singh: I know we will reach but where are the girls?
Aela: I am here( coming towards them)
Aela dress

Singh: I know we will reach but where are the girls?Aela: I am here( coming towards them)Aela dress

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Mr.Singh: beautiful*smile*
Mrs. Singh: where is  Isha?
Isha: here mom
Her dress

 Singh: where is  Isha?Isha: here momHer dress

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Mrs. Singh: and where is the last one?
Aela: she went to the mall to buy some gifts for brother she said she will directly come to the airport.
Mrs.Singh: okh so then should we go?
Aela: yes mom
(Aela was not their real daughter ,when her parents died in an accident Mr and Mrs. Singh took responsibility of her and treated her as their child like Mahir and his sister)
Time skip
They all reached airport.
Mr.Singh: where is he . His flight must be landed by now.
(She ran to the male who was standing opening his arms wide to pull his sister in a hug)
Mahir: how are you my little sister
Aela: I am good as always bhai but how are you?
Mahir : I am fine
Then he hugged Isha.
Isha: how are you bhai
Mahir: I am fine but didn't my other sister came to pick me up*pout*
Yn: it can never happen bhai
Your dress

Isha: how are you bhaiMahir: I am fine but didn't my other sister came to pick me up*pout*Yn: it can never happen bhaiYour dress

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They turned and saw you .
You ran towards him and jumped on him and hugged him tightly,he also hugged u back.
Mr and Mrs.Singh cleared their throat and said
Mrs.Singh: we are also here
Mahir laughed and went towards them and touched their feet.
Mrs.Singh: how are you my son?
Mahir: I am fine mom .
Mr.Singh: ok so you must be tired let's go home
Time skip(At night)
Mahir was talking to someone on phone
???:so you talked about me to your mom and dad
Mahir: no but don't worry i will talk soon
(There was knock on the door)
Mahir: someone is knocking I will call later.
He cut the call and opened the door and found three idiots standing smiling.
Aela: hlo bro
Isha: you returned after a long time  so..
You: so we decided to talk to you.
You three went in sat on his bed.
You: so
Mahir:so what
You: we heard there are many beautiful girls in korea
Mahir: yes
Isha: so did u made any gf?
He looked down smiling and blushing
Mahir: it's nothing like that*strait face*
Aela: bhai you can hide from us but u can't hide it from yn u know?
Yn: so tell me now
Mahir: *sigh*yes I have a gf in korea and we love each other and her parents also accepted me but I don't think my mom dad will accept her.
Mr.Singh: and who told u so
Mahir*shock* from when u are here
Mrs.Singh: from start but listen son we don't have any problem with that but we want to meet her parents. Mahir went to them and hugged them.
Yn: but what's her name
Mahir : her name is Maya
They all left he rooms and slept.

Time skip(next morning)
Mahir came to the garden and called Maya
*On call*
Maya: hello baby
Mahir: bby I have a news for us*excited*
Maya: and what is it?
Mahir: my parents are ready for our marriage and decided to meet ur parents.
Maya: omg really I am so happy
But we will come after a week because my brother has some important work here so we will be there after a week.
Mahir: ok love bye.
Maya: bye
