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Next day it was Jk and  Aela's haldi and then Sangeet in the evening.
It is 10 in the morning and everyone are there getting ready.
Aela was in her room when a notification popped up on her phone.
Jk: what r u doing
Aela: getting ready why?
Jk: nothing just I want to say that I am so happy tomorrow is our wedding.
Aela smiled thinking how much he is excited for our wedding.
Aela: yeah bunny I know how much you are excited I am listening this from one month.
Jk: I can't help it
Aela: ok so you go and get ready and let me get ready too.
Jk: yeah I am going and be fast.
Aela: hmm..byee
Akansha was going towards the living room when she saw Namjoon coming from outside inside the resort.
She saw him and stared at him completely lost in him but Namjoon didn't saw her and went inside his room.
Akansha took the bag from the living room and started walking towards her room.
She entered her room plopped herself on the bed and started thinking.
Akansha pov
What is happening with me these days..why I am feeling so nervous around Namjoon. Everytime I see him I always feel myself lost in him
Is it love?Am I in love?
She blushed thinking hid her face in her palms.
Akansha: I will find it out *smile*but am sure I feel something towards him.
Taesha were laying on the bed cuddling each other to be exact tae was laying on her while hugging her.
Isha: tae why are you laying on me?
He snuggled to her closer and said
Tae: just let me be pls I love your warmth.
Isha laughed and agreed.
Isha: but one thing I wanna ask,is everything alright?
Tae: mhm... everything is ok but there is a problem in our company.
Isha: what happened
Tae: we choosed to have a partnership with a company with that we can extend our business more but lost the deal four times and next meeting will be our last chance to have a deal with them,our company will not be anymore top 1 if we lost the deal this time,that's why Jimin and me are handling this ,we didn't told jk that we lost the deal once again,it's his marriage so he should enjoy it with any stress. The plan which we this time there is high probability that we will get that deal but you know Jimin ,how much workaholic he is ,he has taken all the stress and tension on him,I am sure he is doing work now instead of taking some rest.
Isha: don't worry if you have that much hope about the deal this time so will win and about Jimin,we all will tell him to be ok.
Tae: hmmm.....btw we should get ready.
Isha: u will get up from me then only I will be able to get ready na
Tae: oh yeah
He pecked her lips and got up.
After some time they both got ready and we nt downstairs.
Tae*whisper*: I just want to eat you now
Isha: later at night*wink*
She smirked and left leaving him speechless
He blushed and then went towards the venue too
Maya was in the bathroom taking shower when suddenly she felt like throwing up.
Hurriedly she went near the sink and started vomiting.
She continued for some minutes then stopped and washed her mouth and sighed.
Maya pov
What is happening to me ,why I am vomiting too much and I am eating tose things which don't eat mostly,I can be pregnant too so I'll just have a test after haldi .
After some minutes she came out wearing her outfit and saw Mahir sitting on the bed already ready using his phone, she  started doing her makeup and hair.
Mahir: baby are u fine I heard some noises in the bathroom.
Maya: don't worry i am ok .
As expected Jimin was talking about work on his phone being all stressed, after some time he cut the call and sat on the bed while cursing someone.
Yn came inside being all ready and saw him still in his nightwear sitting on the bed with laptop and cursing someone.
Yn pov
He is too much workaholic,we didn't have a proper talk since we came Goa but he should get ready now and free himself from work for sometime it's not good for him. I know they are facing a difficulty in their company but it doesn't mean he will forget to take care of himself.
Yn pov end
She went towards him and sat down on the bed infront of him.
He was too much into his work that he didn't noticed her.
Yn: Jimin
He looked up and saw her.
Jimin: oh yeah yn why are you here?
Yn:jimin it's time for the function almost everyone is there,I was going too but thought to come here, now stop your work and get ready.
Jimin sighed and stood up and went inside the washroom.
He came out wearing his outfit and got ready then they both went towards the venue.
Everyone was there and Jk and Aela were sitting together while everyone was applying haldi on them or we can say bathing them in haldi.
Jk's look