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It was 12 noon and they were already in Mumbai.
Singh family came to to the airport for a final goodbye to Mr and Mrs.Park . Jimin,Tae,Jk and Isha were not going back today instead they planned to stay one day more .
Mr. and Mrs.Park boarded their flight and Singh family went back to their home but Jimin,yn,Jk,Tae,Aela and Isha went to their other house.
Yn: mom we are going to our another house for today ok
Mrs.Singh: it's ok but don't make us grandparents so soon ok
Aela: mom we are not doing anything 
After entering the house
Aela hugged Isha
Aela: it's good dii that u are staying one day more. U r married now when u will go back we will miss u
Isha hugged back and said
Isha: yaah next is ur wedding so for that we will again come to India ,then u will go with us and then yn's so we all will be complete once again don't be sad ok
Mahir: you all will not be sad but what about me I'll be left alone my all sisters will go away from me.
Maya: woah are they only ur sisters not mine? I'll miss them too.
Yn: don't worry bhai bhabhi we all will come to meet u guys.
Tae: ok now stop being sad
Jk: we are here to enjoy not for being sad
Isha: ok ok btw where is Jimin(looking at yn)
Yn: idk
Jk: CEO Park got a call from our company so he is still outside.
Aela: ok
Yn : we all are tired so we should get fresh up first and then we girls will make dinner ok and then we will rest.
Everyone nodded and went to their rooms and changed.
The girls came downstairs and started making dinner while the boys sat in the living room watching T.V(except Jimin).
The dinner was almost done when yn saw from the kitchen that Jimin was not there with the boys.
Yn pov
It's night and he is still outside. It's cold out there.
She was thinking when Isha said
Isha: yn , Jimin is still not here I think u should go and check.
Yn: hmm...I was thinking this too
Yn left from the kitchen ,when she reached living room she scolded Tae and Jk.
Yn: yaah u two your brother is still outside and u r just chilling here ,he is outside for too long.
Jk: yaah...soon to be bhabhi u don't know how much workaholic he is . He must be on the call or thinking about company rn.
Tae: yn~ie do one thing you bring him inside cuz it's his last day to be free,from tomorrow he will become the CEO Park again. We two are also the CEO's of that company only but he works way more than us.
Yn: ok
With that yn went outside and saw Jimin sitting on the chair in the balcony.
Yn pov
I should not talk about it with him rn I'll just ask him after dinner.(Btw they are sharing one room since it's their last day being together)
Yn went towards him and sat beside him.
Jimin was tensed but seeing yn he smiled and asked
Jimin: what happened baby why are u here.
Yn: why r u still outside u know it's cold . Everyone is inside u should also come and also the food is ready too.
Jimin : ok u go I am coming
Yn: Mr.Park Jimin I know u ..u will say that I am coming but u will not so nah I am not going without so stand up and let's go.
He sighed and went inside while yn following behind.
Yn: now go and fresh up and come down ok and be fast.
He then went upstairs and yn went inside the kitchen.
Time skip
The boys were already on the table and after some minutes girls joined too.
Time skip
Everyone went to their rooms.
Isha and Tae went inside their room and did their night routine and laid on the bed.
Tae: love I am so happy we are married now, u r mine now, u will be my side forever..I love u so much
Isha: I am happy too tae and I love u so much(while caressing his cheeks)
They kissed and then they slept.
Jk: I can't describe my feelings now we are going to get married finally but I am sad too...I don't know how much time it will take to come back here
Aela: don't worry bunny just wait for some time and then we will be together forever.
They laid down on the bed hugging each other,snuggling into eachother more and Jk was caressing her back ,their legs were tangled together.
Jk: and yeah remember your rules which I gave u when we went back to Korea after Maya dii marriage.
Aela: yeah yeah jealous bunny I remember everything.
He suddenly kissed her and she kissed back. Their tongues were playing with each other.Suddenly jk started going down to her jaw till her neck and gave a dark red hickey and then licked it.
He smirked looking at it
Jk: you are mine.
Aela: if I am yours then u r also mine right.
Jk: yes any doubt
Aela: no but then I should also mark u right
She started sucking and biting his neck giving so many hickies. She opened some of his shirt buttons till his chest and covered his chest with hickies.
Jk was trying hard not to moan.
Aela: now it's good...u r mine too and those rules apply on u too
Aela: now let's sleep ok
.Mahir and Maya were laying on bed ready to sleep when Mahir said
Mahir: Maya I am so happy that my all sisters got their loved ones and are finally getting married but I am worried about them.
Maya: do you trust me
Mahir: is that even a question
Maya: then believe me my brother's will always keep them safe and love them forever,they will give them world's happiness.
Mahir: I know and I have no doubt on them but u know as a brother what I am feeling ..I can't see them hurt
Maya: don't worry nothing will happen see they all are happy...so now do t overthink and sleep hmm?
He nodded and they both slept while hugging each other.
Jimin was laying down on the bed when yn came out from the bathroom. She was about to lay down but Jimin signalled her to come to his side. She came to his side and he made her sit on his stomach.
Yn: what happened Jimin are u ok
Jimin : yes I'm ok I just want to be with u.
Yn: btw I wanna talk to u
Jimin: hmm..tell
Yn: Jimin see I heard from tae and Jk that u overwork urself when u are at the company. You don't take care of urself. You know how much concerned I am about you I felt bad when I heard this.
Jimin was just staring at her with a smile while she was scolding him
Jimin: what can I do I miss u so much and to divert my mind I overwork myself.
Yn : Mr.Park even if u miss me don't u dare to do that again and if I heard from anyone that u didn't listened to me then I'll not talk to u
Jimin: yaah no no I promise I'll not but pls don't do that
Yn: hmm
Jimin: and since we will be married after some time so u are there na to take care of me so i don't need to worry.
They were talking while yn was still on his stomach.
His left hand was on his chest while his right hand was in Yn's hand who was paying with his rings while talking too him. Suddenly he pulled her towards him and now she was laying on top of him. He hugged her tightly and buried his face in her neck and whispered.
Jimin: I love you so much baby
Yn: I love you too Chim*kissed his cheeks*
Yn: ok let's sleep now u have to leave tomorrow.
Jimin: how much I don't want to..but I have to
They properly laid down and slept.

Time skip
Next morning
It was 9 a.m in the morning and everyone was at the airport bidding their goodbyes.
Aela and Yn: dii take care hmm
Isha: I will and u too ok
They nodded
Isha: Bye bhai- bhabhi
Mahir and Maya: bye Isha safe journey
Jimin hugged Yn
Jimin: bye
Yn: bye and remeber my words ok
Jimin: yeah I will
Jk: bye love
Aela: bye bunny and comeback fast.
Jk: we will since our engagement will be early.
They left and yn,Mahir,Maya and Maya too left with tears in their eyes but they were happy inside because they knew that they will come back and they are a family now . Everyone has a special place for others in each other hearts.
