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Next morning yn woke up and did her morning routine and dressed up . She was so excited because today the family was going to set up the date for their engagement and wedding. She was giggling and blushing at the thought of their marriage.
She silently left her room not to wake others up at it was still 5 a.m in the morning.
She went inside the kitchen and started making coffee for herself.
After some minutes, she made the coffee and went outside the resort in the garden and sat down.
She started drinking her coffee with a small smile on her face.
Yn pov
I am so happy I am finally going to get married to the love of my life.
I waited for this for so long and finally today the date will be arranged.
After some time she got up and went inside and saw everyone was still asleep so she decided to go to her room.
She was about to turn the doorknob but suddenly Jimin held her wrist and turned her around. She gasped but her kept his hand on her lips .
Jimin: shh it's me
He was towering over her ,their nose almost touching.
Yn's heartbeat raised,her cheeks became crimson red. They both were staring at each other.
She slowly removed his hands from her lips.
Yn: what r u doing here at this time.
Jimin: I can ask u the same thing.
Yn: well...
She remembered why she woke up early because of excitement and blushed immediately. She lowered her gaze and decided to not to tell him otherwise he will tease her.
She slightly smiled.
Yn: nothing just I woke up early today so I was roaming around.
He slightly smiled and kissed her cheek.
Jimin: hmm.. well I am here because I am excited for today as I waited for this day for so long so i couldn't sleep so am awake.
Time skip
Everyone was awake and did their breakfast .
Aela went inside the kitchen as others were in the living room.
She started putting the leftovers in the fridge and when she was done she turned around but got surprised when Jungkook trapped her in his arms.
Jk: care to explain why u left me alone in the morning.
He said while caressing her cheeks and sliding her hairs to her back.
Aela: I was suppose to help others in making breakfast and I was getting late so I left.
He was about to kiss her but she stopped him and said
Aela: not here anyone can come here at anytime others must be looking for us we should go and join them.
Jk made and annoyed face and crossed his arms on his chest.
Aela laughed and pinched his cheeks and said
Aela: you have to wait bunny.
Jk: ok ok let's go
They all were now in the living room discussing about the engagement date .
Mrs.Park: I think we should do the engagement and marriage after nine months because it will not be easy for Maya once she will.give birth we can do the engagement.
Mr.Singh: u r right we should do it afterwards.
Tae: and we can come to India in these months and when Maya will give birth we all will come and after some days we can do the engagement.
Mr.Park: yes this is the best.
Are u ok with this Jimin and yn?
Jimin: yes dad we are ok with it.
Mrs.Park: ok then now I think we should leave for Mumbai and then tomorrow we have to leave for Korea too.
Akansha: I will be leaving tomorrow for Korea too.
Mr.Park: oh yeah true let's pack our things.
Yn was sad that Jimin will be leaving but happy too that he will come in between to see them so she was relieved.
Time skip
They all left for Mumbai and it was night and  right now they are infront of their mansion.
They all went inside and sighed.
Isha: finally after a long time we are back home.
Aela: yeah I missed our home
Akansha: I am so tired
Mrs.Singh: then we all should go to our rooms and sleep . Tomorrow they have to leave.
They all went inside their rooms and changed into their nightwears
and slept.
Next morning
They all are in the airport for saying goodbye to the Park family.
They all hugged each other and bid their byes.
Yn hugged Jimin and said
Yn : do come in between these nine months and after that don't even waste a minute because I can't wait longer.
Jimin: someone is eager nhi.
She punched his stomach lightly.
Yn: shut up am serious.
Jimin laughed and said
Jimin: ok baby I will come as soon as possible.byee
Yn: byee and yeah don't overwork.
Jimin felt sad after hearing that as he remembered what he did to her.
Jimin: I promise I will not.
Yn: hmm..better
Namjoon*whisper*: I am so happy you are going with me.
Akansha: hmm my vacations are over so I have to well as I am your girlfriend you have to go out with me.
Namjoon : my lady I promise to go with you and plan dates for us.
Akansha: yes and yeah*whisper*I love you
Namjoon smiled widely and replied 'love you too'.
Mrs.Park*to Maya*: take care ok u have to be careful in ur every step.
Mrs Singh: don't worry i will not leave her alone as she is our daughter too I will not let her do anything and yn is also there
Mrs.Park: and ur daughters are our daughters too so don't worry about them too.
Mrs.Singh: I will not worry instead I will thank god that my daughter's got such nice in-laws.
They both smiled and hugged each other.

Here Aela was being emotional as she hugged her parents and cried .
Mrs.Singh: Aela don't cry
Aela: I will miss u mom- dad .
Mrs Singh: we will miss u too but u know na u have to go see Isha was in ur place too we know she was sad but she kept herself strong so don't cry my daughter u too be strong and u will come India to see Maya and then for yn's marriage.
She nodded and broke the hug.
She hugged Mahir and Maya and lastly yn and said goodbye and left.
After Park family left, Singh family left the airport and went home keeping in mind that they will come back and their bond is becoming even stronger.
Time skip
They were now ready to sleep after having phone call with Park family.
Yn had a video call with Jimin and talked.
Finally after their conversation they all laid down too sleep
Yn pov
Come fast I will be waiting for u love!!!
