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Next morning the whole family  was  already off to airport.
Everyone was excited because it was the first time for Singh family visiting there and staying there for a week because always before when they visited South Korea it was only for business.
Right now they are at the Mumbai airport waiting for the announcement.
The parents were sitting talking while the youngsters were talking other side.
Mr.Park: in some days Jk and Aela's will also be done now i think it's time to plan Jimin and yn's.
Mr.Singh: yeah but first we have to talk to them ,what if they don't agree we don't have to pressure them.
Mrs.Singh: what are you even saying see them if they dont like each other then why are they standing like that.
They turned their heads towards ur direction where you all were talking while Jimin was back hugging you while hiding his face in your neck,silently listening to what you all were talking.
Mr.and Mrs.Singh and Park smiled and turned their heads back.
Mr.Singh:  i think u r right but then also we have to talk with them,maybe they are not ready yet and want some time.
Mr.Park: we have some time left we will be in Korea for some days and then Jk's wedding so we can ask later too let them spend some more time,maybe they get nervous if we suddenly asked them.
They all nodded and went to the terminal and followed by the Youngs after some time.
After taking the boarding pass and all that they were now inside the plane already sitting.
Taesha were sitting together while Tae was hugging her like his life was depending on it while clenching his jaw and glaring at someone and kept his head on Isha's shoulder.
Isha: who made you jealous.
Tae: huh who is jealous
Isha: you
Tae: me? how do you know
Isha: you cling to me like this when u r jealous.
Tae: yaah u r my wife what should I do if someone is staring at you other than me,see how he is staring at u
Isha looked at front and saw a man staring at her. She quickly looked away being disgusted.
Tae: we are on the plane that's why I am not doing anything,i dont want to create a scene here but I am controlling myself so hard I just want to punch him right now.
Isha: tae I am your wife for more than two months now I am yours only I am not going anywhere.
Author pov
She kissed his cheeks and he smiled.
Tae: let's change seats you come to mine and I'll come to urs
Isha laughed but nodded.
They exchanged their seats and sat down properly.
On the other side
Mahiya were sitting together when suddenly Maya started feeling hungry.
Maya: Mahir I am hungry
Mahir was confused because they all their breakfast at the airport.
Mahir: but we just ate at the cafe outside the airport before boarding the plane.
Maya: ahh...I don't know but I am hungry do something
Mahir: ok ok let's order something.
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Mahir called one of the aur hostess and asked her to bring something to eat.
The air hostess brought some chips,burger, sandwich and colddrink etc.
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After she ate them all
Mahir: you were this much hungry that u ate all?
Maya: yes.

On the third side
Jk and Aela were sitting while Jk was squealing time to time.
Aela: what happened?
Jk: I am so happy
Aela: why
Jk: for our wedding...I can't wait
Aela: hmm...but u have to wait for a week I think
Jk: u know I love Indian weddings that's why I am waiting otherwise I have married u in Korean style till now.
Aela: u r so desperate nhi?
Jk: I am just waiting this week finishes fast so we can go back to India and marry.
Time skip
Yn was sleeping and was hugging Jimin's arm. He was reading a magazine.
They were about to land so he tried to wake her up
He thought about teasing her so he licked her nose tip. She scrunched her brows in sleep and hid her face in his shoulder but again he licked her neck and sucked a bit. She opened her eyes and saw him sucking her neck.
Yn: chim what are u doing?let me sleep.
Jimin: no baby we are about to land u should wake up now.
Yn: hmm... ok*sleepy voice*
Jimin: you can rest once we reach home ok?
He kissed her cheeks and again started reading the magazine.
Time skip
Their flight landed and now they are in their way to Park mansion.
They reached there and entered inside.
Mrs.Park: hope you like our house
Mrs.Singh: we love it
Mr.Park: I told the maids to keep all ur luggages in ur room it's almost night so we all should go to our rooms and then fresh up and come downstairs to eat and then we can rest.
Everyone went inside the rooms which Mrs.Park told them.
Everyone came down wearing their night outfits and sat in the dining table and started eating.
Mr.Park: we parents will go by ourselves and u all children can go alone ok?
Tae: yes dad
Time skip
They all ate their dinner and now they are going to their rooms.
Yn was lazily walking towards her room because of sleepiness when suddenly Jimin came and kissed her forehead and whispered.
Jimin: good night sleep well
Yn just nodded and he chuckled seeing her sleepy state.
Jimin went inside his room and yn in her's .