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It's been two days since Park family left.

In Singh family mansion
Yn,Aela and Isha use to call Jimin,Jk and Tae everyday.
Present time
Isha is getting ready and yn and Aela are helping her in packing her stuffs.
Well she is going to surprise someone.........and the someone is ........the one and only Mr. Kim Taehyung ,her soon to be husband.
She is leaving for Korea today without informing Tae about it .
As she is fashion designer she have to submit some of her works to the Korean headquarter for the exhibition.
Yn: ahmmmm....all ready?
Aela: yes we packed her stuff which she needs in these two weeks.
Aela: Isha are you ready? Let's go?
Isha : yes I am ready
Isha: ahmmmm...btw do you want to send any msg to my devars or should I say jijus
Aela: just say that we miss them
Yn: ok ok let's go now u r getting late
The three went downstairs and saw their parents and Maya sitting while talking as Mahir is in his office rn.
Isha: mom-dad I am going now
Mrs.Singh: beta be safe ok and make sure to call us ok?
Isha: yes mom
Mr.Singh: bye princess
Isha: bye dad
Maya: bye Isha...and come back early
Aela: ahh..bhabhi she is not going to come back early....as our jiju is there so
Isha: shut up!! Ok I am going now
Yn and Aela went with her to airport
While Isha was leaving
Isha: take care u both ok
Yn: yeah..yeah now go
Time skip
Isha reached Korea and went to the hotel she booked she thought about surprising Tae tomorrow by going to their company.
She was thinking about him when she saw her phone ringing and saw Tae was calling her
*On call*
Yn: hello
Tae: hello
Yn: why are you sounding sad
Tae: don't you know I am missing u
Isha: you remember your surprise,you will get it tomorrow and I am missing u too
Tae: pls tell me what is it
Isha: u will see now I am hanging up
*Call end*
She went to take a bath.
After taking bath and wearing something formal she went to the headquarters.
She went inside and went in the CEO's cabin and they discussed about the exhibition tomorrow. She showed the designs and the CEO approved them and sent those designs for making them in a real dress for the exhibition tomorrow.
Isha: thankyou so much Mr.Wang for accepting my work
Mr.Wang: I have to accept them they are so good and the exhibition is in afternoon so be ready
Isha: sure
She left while saying that and went to the hotel and ate her dinner and slept.
Next morning
She woke up by her phone ringing
*On call*
Isha: hello*sleepy tone*
Yn: yaah u sleepy head get up don't u know it's ur exhibition today it's already 10 a.m
Isha's eyes widened and she sat up in the speed of light
Isha: yaah I'll call u later I have to bye
*Call end*
Isha: I planned to meet Tae today but I have to visit headquarters first and then come back and get ready to go the venue. I think I'll just meet him in the evening or next morning
She got up and wore her formal suit and went to the quarters.
Time skip
It was 11:30 a.m and she was now back to hotel to get ready.
Time skip
It was 11:55 and she was all ready. The company's car took her to the venue and she entered.
Mr Wang: u r looking beautiful Miss.Isha
Isha: thankyou  Mr.Wang
Time skip
The exhibition was going to start and all the people were talking to each other.
Isha was in the washroom and when she came out she saw three men coming inside making her eyes wide and she quickly hid herself because she became nervous.
The three men and their outfits👇

The three men and their outfits👇

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