A show just for the task force

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Kid giggled looking at heist note in hand. This was going to be one hell of a show.

Kid swiftly jumped over a few roofs through the clear sky that had a lingering smell of the rain from this evening. Mind set on what to do, blending in the night, he gracefully landed on a building that gave a clear view of the police station. Adreline pumping through his veins from jumping around gave him a pleasure feeling of warmness.

Suppressing more giggles, he took a deep breath from the fresh air, and popped his neck and stretched his arms, grin widening when he listened to the familiar pops.

His task force was gonna love the heist!! He was sure of it!!

Yelling mixed with glitter and slimy substances filled the station. Kid watched the scene unfold with glinting eyes and a pycho-kid grin plastered on his face from his spot on the ceiling fan hanging upside-down as he yelled out his famous line, "Ladies and gentlemen, Tonight I have come to deliver this heist note to you myself."

Not wasting the chance, Nakamori-keibu took in a deep breath, a nice reminder for people around him to cover their ears, as he yelled a string of curses at the theif in white "Kaitou Kid!! Everyone get him!!"

"ne ne keibu, I came here to visit you and deliver a little present and yet here you are. Do you always treat your guests like this? They must not like it or they just have some hearing problems, Kekeke! " sang Kid as he chuckled along as well in the most honey-sweet voice accompanied with a toothy grin.

Ginzo growled and kid snickered. God how he loved messing with the task force.

"Pranks aren't a gift Kid" Ginzo deadpanned.

"Indeed they aren't keibu" said Kid smoothly, "But this is" finished Kid while waving the heist note in Ginzo's face. Ginzo snatched it with a little too much force from the theif's hand which shook Kid to his core, (even though he wouldn't ever admit it) said theif took his hand back with a little ow. Ginzo puffed his chest at atleast giving a little pain to the thief for the never-ending pranks.

"Don't have to be so aggressive, Ya know"

"I have to, with you. Scratch that, I should be aggressive with you for these pranks. "

"Well now that I have delivered the notice, I shall be taking my leave for today. See you next illusion!!" Kid announced loudly with a little bow at the end still hanging upside-down and disappeared using smokescreen.

"I'll get you next time Kaitou Kid!!" yelled keibu at the place where kid formerly hanged and then turned to an officer and yelled "Send a copy of the notice to that British detective!", the officer saluted and went off to do what he was told.

"Everyone get to your positions. We're going to catch that theif today! " ordered Nakamori keibu. The heist this was at an isolated auditorium used mainly for the best shows. It was called 'The Showmen's palace'. No wonder Kid had picked the it. What the weird thing about tonight's show was that Kid had requested that their would be no audience, no media and that their was no jewel to steal. Kid even mentioned that he would not be disguising as anyone and the task force must be there as audience when the show starts. Bad move, exposing such a thing, everyone knew Kid knows this but they were pretty sure Kid would manage to sneak in anyway.

"What are you planning Kid?" muttered Ginzo to himself.

"Kekeke You shall wait and see Nakamori keibu" Kid said from his place in the vent.

"Everyone be on your guard and remember what Kid said in the notice,everyone must be in the auditorium at the time of the heist." yelled Nakamori keibu again and a string of 'yes sir' answered him back.

"Something's fishy here" Hakuba said to Nakamori while walking towards him one hand in his pocket and the other bearing his dear pocket watch. Kid shivered at the mention of those cursed things.

"Hmph we'll still catch that stupid theif."

"9 mins 13 seconds 2 milliseconds to 11:00 pm. I suggest we start bringing everyone inside the auditorium now"

The clock hit 11:00 pm as smoke came out the vent and a familiar voice loudly announced-
"Ladies and gentlemen or should I say my dear task force, Nakamori keibu and Hakuba Sagura." Kid bowed before continuing "Tonight I will not be stealing or running, tonight I will be holding a show to please my dear task force. Please sit back and allow me to show you a show of a lifetime." this time Kid bowed full 90 degree with a pleasant smile on his face instead of his usual smug smirk.

"What are you planning 怪盗キッド Kaitou Kid?

"All I wish for is a show for my tonight's audience, Nakamori keibu"

"Eh?! Don't play mind games Kid! "

"I don't plan on doing so keibu. Now I shall entertain you all by my magic"

Just Ginzo was going to reply Hakuba cut him off
"Oh? So if you plan on entertaining us, you better give us a good show. I'm sure you don't want your audience to be disappointed, yes?"

Before Ginzo could oppose Kid said,

"Very well then, please sit back and enjoy tonight's show for you all" just as those words left kid's mouth all the light's turned off and soft piano music started playing. A spotlight came on Kid who begun his show.

Trick after trick, illusion after illusion, Kid dazzelled the heart of the task force till the clock hit 1:00 am.

"I hope my show has entertained all of you with your hearts desire, now I shall take off. Farewell! Until next illusion." announced Kid and with he disappeared into smoke and took off on his white wings.

Nobody wanted to catch him that night so they were glad Kid took off on his own. It also explained why he picked such an early time to start the heist, if you could call it that. It was a fantastic show, one of the best of the century. Luckily they had filmed it all with a camera with the best view of the stage.

As kaito laid in bed that night, he couldn't help but feel overjoyed with himself. The expressions and the awe the task force, and even Ginzo and Hakuba had shown him made him too happy to even sleep. Alas, he was tired and needed his sleep.

That night everybody went to sleep peacefully.

The end~

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