Shot (part one)

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Panting. Heavy panting and pathetic attempts to breathe are all that could be heard in the dingy alleyway that Kid now rested in. How he got there was another story.

Today's heist was really simple. At least it was supposed to be. The shrunken detective was in bed resting due to a bad cold, the London detective's plane had delayed so there was no way he could reach the heist in time and the hot-blooded detective simply didn't want to do anything with 'bastards that run around in clothes that say shoot me'. The gem was neither too big nor too small to be Pandora either so it was supposed to be relaxing. Keyword: supposed to be. What nobody expected was for a person with a grudge and a gun to show up at the heist.

The person held a grudge against Nakamori keibu who had arrested his brother, his only family. The person had aimed for Nakamori keibu during the chase but Kid had caught sight of it and threw himself in the way.

Flashback ~

The heist was going as energetic as usual. Yelling and cussing with traps going off wherever you look. Aah! What a perfect Kid heist. Nakamori keibu and a few officers were chasing Kid when suddenly someone yelled,

"Nakamori keibu! I will take revenge on you for putting my brother in jail!" said the person who was supporting a black coat and black trousers with a gun pointing right at Ginzo's face. Everybody froze. All of a sudden the man shot right at keibu but what happened next made everyone's blood run cold.

Kid protected Ginzo and was shot in the stomach!

Nobody could move until keibu snapped out of it and yelled "Kid!! What are you doing? Catch that guy!!"
The officer's words snapped everyone out of it and the guy was caught in a minute by the task force.

"Kid..." Ginzo said slowly to the thief lying a few feet away from him, bleeding out and writhing on the floor in misery. He knew Kid could still easily escape them if he tried to come closer. The thief was like an injured and fragile animal, come closer and it will run away. And the thief seemed too vulnerable and miserable right now,  he couldn't let the guy just leave injured!!

"Kid are you okay? " he took a testing step towards him and as a result Kid dragged himself a bit farther.

"Hehehe... I'm okay keibu. It'll take a whole lot more than to kill me" the thief tried to sound convincing but the voice was trembling and so was his body so it came merely as a weak whine. Ginzo frowned.

"Look Kid, you need to let us help you" tried Ginzo again but Kid shakes his head and the movement brought out a little hiss from him.

"I'll be fine..." Then Kid shakily stood up and keibu was ready to catch him if he falls. Kid faltered but everybody knew that Kid would rush if anybody came near him and that would only aggravate the injury even more.

Slowly Ginzo took one more testing step toward him but Kid flinched at that and hissed at him like an angry animal. Ginzo gulped and took a step backward. Kid nodded slightly as if saying 'good, that's better'.

Kid raised his cape and smoke released from everywhere.

"Kid!! " Ginzo yelled trying to see something through the smoke.

"I shall be taking my leave then. See you next illusion!"

"Wait!! " Ginzo's calls fell to empty ears as the thief was no longer there as well as the blood on the floor. 

"Everyone start searching for Kid!"

Hakuba Saguru was furious when he was informed of what had happened. That idiot thief was shot and could very well be bleeding out right now in some dingy alleyway!! He had started searching for Kid when he was informed of this. Currently, he was in a lonely neighborhood with abandoned buildings searching for the great Kaitou Kid with Baaya. The reason he was here was that he was sure that a vulnerable kid would go to some lonely place at such a time.
He was looking everywhere until he heard it. Frantic breathing. He made a mad dash towards where he heard it and found a sight that was not good, to say the least. Kaitou Kid lying in the dingy alleyway (just like he thought) and bleeding out all over the place.

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