" Even caterpillar become a beautiful butterfly in the future." She said.
"Ugh, that's butterfly.."
Aku terdiam seketika sambil menguis-nguis kakiku pada batu-batu kecil diatas jalanan.
Aku menarik nafas dalam. "..... dah memang itu takdirnya kan. Caterpillar become a butterfly. Itu memang takdir dia."
Dia melepaskan satu keluhan berat.
" Habis tu, kau dah tahu takdir kau? Kau dah tahu apa kau akan jadi? Kau dah nampak masa hadapan kau?"
Dalam hidup ni, kita yang akan memilih jenis manusia yang macam manakah yang kita hendak jadi. A rocker, a player, a bokworm, shy-person, scaredy-cat type or anything. That is what yourself "was" and "is". We choose what want to be. We choose what type of person that we want people to see us as. dont just because some negative statements make you feel you are not deserved to be loved or surrounded with people anymore. You are not being selfish for loving youself. The best thing is, always upgrading yourself with ilm, imaan and taqwa. Because at the end, that is what matter the most.
And dont forget to choose to be our ownself but with a better version. Always.
Suka untuk saya memetik satu kata-kata ringkas melalui novel Be Eshme Elohim karya dr Maslee Malik,
"Kegembiraan adalah ciptaan hati kita sendiri. Kedukaan juga hasil ciptaan hati kita sendiri. Maka, sama ada suka ataupun duka, kita sendirilah yang menentukannya. " -Maisarah
Sedangkan rama-rama yang cantik pun asalnya dari seekor ulat ,
Apatah lagi kamu yang paling indah.
So dear friend, why dont you just shine?
ramble jot
Randomramble /ˈramb(ə)l )/ talk or write at length in a confused or inconsequential way. . Tap tap tap tap tap. the onomatopoeia when i start writing using my laptops. i write about my thoughts, about feelings, about something or anything that can be fee...