3: Panic Cord

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Despite having left a little early, I was almost late for the bus. As embarrassing as it is to admit, the walk to the bus had taken 25 minutes.

This was due to the ridiculous amount of people in my way. Forgetting how clumsy I am on a regular basis, this was extraordinary. Ridiculous. Hypnotically stupid.

Luck just so happened to be no where near me.

At all.

Approximately, this particular walk should take an average human being about 10 minutes, but of course, for me, ai tripped over my own feet countless times, nearly got hit by several cars and turned down five incorrect roads.

I thought this would be the end of my troubles.

Until I saw my destination.

Normally, bus stops do not terrify me in the slightest. The talk with the bus drivers may bring some displeasing thoughts, however this caused butterflies and bumble bees to tumble and turn in my stomach causing tremendous uncomfort.

At one point my eyes started watering!

Standing at my destination (bus stop) was...

A total of 8 people.

How am I supposed to deal with this situation?!

Oh geez.
Oh geez.
Oh geez.
Oh geez
Oh geez.
Oh geez.
Oh geez.
Oh geez

I am dead.


Ok girl, you can do this. Just... Umm...

I don't know just do SOMETHING!

My thoughts were interrupted my someone crashing into me from behind.

I heard a mumbled apology from what seemed to be a boy, wearing a dark grey and black hoody, boring. The hood was pulled up leaving everything to the imagination.
After a quick assessment I realised I had seen this person before.

"Fire boy?!" I exclaimed, after pushing the hood back.

"Shit, why are you here!?" He cursed, glaring at me with hatred clear in his face, "And please keep your voice down, I am Jake here, not 'Fire Boy'"

I just smiled, this had turned out to be an interesting day, indeed.

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