8: Rumours

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Clare's POV
I starred at Dan in amazement. We had been sitting there for at least ten minutes just breathing. I was very confused.

"What were you running from?" I asked him boldly, adding in a glare for extra effect.

"Well... Umm... I don't know how to say this..." Dan replied shrugging.

"Just tell me!" I nearly yelled, "I deserve to know after all, I have trusted you with my biggest secret!"

"Ok ok!" he interrupted. I leaned forward with the look that said 'tell me now or die' sorta thing... It worked! But I would never kill him, or anyone else for that matter. Injure and permanently damage yes, but killing? No!

"Well... Where should I start?" he stalled quickly.

"The beginning?" I offered sharply.

"I work for a group called CI that works in stopping gangs, murders etc," he looked at me as if I would say that's enough but I just snapped 'continue' before getting comfy again, "I am here on a mission to stop a nearby gang that are causing a problem for the area. I was running from them as they saw me spying when you jumped on me." Dan concluded with a tone of finality.

"Oh." was my reply. I stood up, dusted myself off before walking away, bored with the conversation. My excuse would be the sun setting, which was true.
5, 4, 3, 2, 1-

"Where are you going?" came a loud voice from behind me, sounding confused.

"Home." I replied, stopping when I realised he was following me. I felt him crash into my back.

"Owie! That hurt!"

"Aw baby got a bo bo?" I chuckled turning around, ducking when he tried to throw fire at me.

"Naughty boy! Your still the student! Don't challenge the master!" I scolded playfully.

After ten minutes of him being annoyed and me annoying him, I said goodbye and walked home,hearing the music as soon as I left the woods.
Before I left, I had grabbed my rucksack and changed back to my original outfit. I saw him back on the rooftops, seeming happy instead of tense.

"Where have you been?!" asked Joe, frowning at me.

"Out?" I offered smiling sheepishly.

She raised an eyebrow, "Where was out? Just remember don't go in the forest, there have been sightings of strange happenings."

"Well why would I need to go in there anyway!"I countered immediately. Her glare was cold as ice, but it did not bother me.

Luckily I was saved by superman Aidan. That could have been a disaster!

"CLARE!"yelled Aiden, rushing towards me like a bullet.

"Hey Superkid!" I responded, reaching down to hug him.

He tried to wrap his tiny arms around me, only half succeeding. I chuckled at his attempt.

I let go and stood up, slinging my backpack over my shoulder.

"Is the party over?" I changed the subject, slowing Aiden to cling to my leg.

Joe sighed, "Yeah, thankfully, some idiot put alcohol in the drinks, even though I said not to, Aiden nearly got hold of it!"

It was little wonder she was stressed.

"Ahh, don't worry, do you need any help clearing up?" I offered, smiling in her direction.

"No, but you just keep Aiden busy, he has been missing you all day!" She laughed as Aiden starting jumping up and down in excitement.

"Well I am always up for some quality time with the best superhero ever!" Jo laughed at my antics, saying a quick farewell before heading towards the house.

"What do you want to do now Aiden?" I asked, crouching down to be at eye level.

"Play superheros!" He cheered.

"Alright," I said, standing up, "Lead the way!"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2018 ⏰

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