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next day Taehyung woke up early in the morning...after doing the morning routine he wore a handsome dress took the paper from the under of the pillow and took the money he got from appa for buying chocolet then he went out and bought a few chocolet and a couple rings...from there he rushed to the back of the house..and saw his Kookoo standing there waiting for him while looking so cute..
Kookoo: why did late??I was waiting for you for so long..bad Taetae..
Taetae:sorry baby..I went to buy this chocolets for you..we gotta eat sweet after marriage right??
Kookoo: lets get married..(he said being so excited)

then those two babies got married there..and ate the chocolets...
Kookoo: I love you Taetae...You are my hubby... Kookoo loves his Hubby most..
Taetae: I love you too wify..
Kookoo: aishhh~~I am a boy..!!
Taetae: but my wify...I love are my lovely wify...
he said and kissed allover the face and the younger kept similing...

a few days later..
at night..
Taetae: Hyungi!!
Jini: yeah Taetae..
Taetae: I wanna ask something..
(***Jin is 10 years older than Tae***)
Jini: what is it baby??
Taetae: what is new unkie and aunt doing??
Taetae: I saw unkie and aunt were kissing and unkie was only in his half pants..and aunt was in her swiming costume..(well he saw his uncle and aunt making love..and he is calling boxer half pant and her aunt's lingerie as her swiming costume)
Jooni: they are making kids..( he said and understood what he just said.and then saw Jini glaring at him..yeh they are already couple)
Taetae: how do they do it??( he said making a super o shaped face..and being a whole big ass confused)
Jini: yeah..they stay naked and sleep together all night...
Taetae: but aren't they shy shy??
Jooni: aishh..they are  it's normal right Jini??(and found a super angry Jini...and gulped hard)
Taetae: thank you hyungi...byebye..
he said and ran from there...leaving poor Jooni in front of a super angry Jini..
Jini: you duck!! why did you say this to him??
Jooni: baby...those just came out from my mouth//..sorry baby..
Jini: no kiss from tomorrow...
Jooni: aishh..don't do this to am I suppose to live without your kissess??
Jini: I dunno..and good night sleep tight..
Jooni: won't you sleep with me??
Jini: no!! a big ass no!!
and left from there..leaving a whining Jooni alone..

aishh our little couples..hehehe.. if you like..and do comment if you want to let me know some thing..and do follow me..bye bye for now..

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