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they were so excited to make the baby...though Kookoo was bit nervous..but he can do this to make babies with his Taetae right?

Taetae was placing pecks all over Kookoo's face..then was about to put off their dressess but 2 guard came..
Guard1: hey little kids!!what are you doing here??
Taetae: we are ma...
Kookoo:(cut of Taetae) playing..yah..we are playing..
Guard2: ooh.. now come on your parent are calling you..
Taetae: now??
Guard1: yeah now..
then all of them went inside.. they saw Mr.Jeon was in living room and their lagages also were there..
Kookoo:appa you called me??
Mr.Jeon: yes we are leaving..
Kookoo: ooh..when will we return??
Mr.Jeon:when the new unkie and new aunt will invite us..
Kookoo:and Taetae hyungi??
Mr.Kim:we will return  Daegu tomorrow..
Kookoo went and hugged his in-laws(hehe) 
Kookoo: I will miss you..
Mrs.Kim: we will miss you too..
then Kookoo went to Taetae and saw a sullking baby tiger..
Taetae: humm wify??
Kookoo: don't forget me..
Taetae: I love you wify..
Kookoo: let's meet and marry again when we will be big like new unkie and new aunt..
Taetae: ok wify..I will come to marry you...just wait for me..
Kookoo: ok..
Taetae:promise??(showig pinky)
Kookoo:promise..(holding pinky with his pinky)
Mr.Jeon: come bunny..we are getting late..
Kookoo: bye bye Taetae...
Taetae:bye bye Kookoo..

well let me tell one thing that Taetae is now 7 & Kookoo is 5 and Jini is 17 and Jooni is 18..(yah I know I changed a lot of thinks..don't scold me)..and I added a new story..or you can say my first smut..
this is the link

check it out..and tell me if you like or not..bye for now..take care and most importantly stay at home..purple ya..

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