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Jungkook could not utter any word for about 2 minutes...
Taehyung:Kookoo...what happened??aren't you happy meeting me again..
Jungkook: you are my Taetae??
Taehyung: yeah baby..
Jungkook could not hold himself anymore and brusted into tears..he was crying and giving little punch with his cute hands on Taehyung hard chest..
Jungkook: you are so bad.. why did you not come to me??do you have any idea how much I missed you??how much I cried for you...??I...I thought I lost you..when appa arrenged my marriage with Chimmy hyung..
Taehyung: shh ..baby don't cry.. tears does not suit your lovely eyes..
then he wiped the younger's tears and hugged him tightly..

then they both lied down on bed and Jungkook being the talketive one started blabbering...
Jungkook: hubby..you remebered me.. I thought you forgot me..
Taehyung: how can I forget my wify??
Jungkook just blushed against Taehyung's chest..
Taehyung:I remember one more thing also..
Jungkook: what??(said while coming out and looking to Taehyung)
Taehyung: that we are suppose to make 20 kids..
Jungkook: aisshh...pervy hubby..
Taehyung: only for you..baby, may I??
Jungkook: what may I??
Taehyung: may I kiss you tasty lips..plz??
Jungkook: aish..you are my hubby,..you have every rights on me..
that was enough and he smashed his lips on younger's soft one..soon it turned into a hot make out session...and Taehyung felt his Taetae is up so he pulled out..
Taehyung:baby, I think we should stop.. or I may not control my self any more..
Jungkook: who told you to control your self in front of your wife???
Taehyung: baby are you sure??
Jungkook: more than sure....

and then they made love..(finally they did it..and one more thing..if you want me to write smut about it let me know in the comment section)

next morning..
Jungkook woke up feeling a staring on his face...he woke up and saw his handsome husband staring at him..

Taehyung:I love you..
Jungkook: I love you too..
Jungkook: hum??
Taehyung: baby, why did you wore bra and panty??
Jungkook: don't you like it??
Taehyung: no..it's not like that..I was just asking..
Jungkook:well. you dunno one thing that I am a crossdresser..so to keep my body feminine I need to wear them...
Taehyung: you know you look so sexy in that..
Jungkook:really??you like it??
Taehyung: baby let's get married...
Jungkook: yeah..this time the real one..

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