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the Kim Family has come to meet their friend Jeons..the Kims has 2 sons and Joons first baby has just born..but sorry to say that the mother has left this world//it means the baby is only hier of Jeons..

??:momma look the baby ish sho cute..(said a 2 year old boy)
?:yeah baby...Taetae don't hold him tightly..he is still a baby..
Tae:ok momma..
the boy hold the baby so carefully not so tightly but also like the way that he never wants to let the baby go..everyone cooed at their cute ness..
Tae: I'll never leave you baby..I wofe will never leave me too right baby??
 then Tae showed his pinky finger to the baby..and the baby hold it...

awwwww so cute....

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