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Jungkook P.O.V.
right now I am getting dressed up.. today appa gonna announce mine and Jimin hyung's mrriage.. but to be honest neither I nor hyung is interested in this marriage.. why would we.?? we are forced to marry each other.. like see..I am already married to my Taetae and Jimin hyung has Yoongi hyung..they love each other so much..also Yoongi hyung is 2 months pregnant. then why will I marry Jimin hyung ruining all 3 of ours lives?? well I have a plan I don't know will it work or not...I am happy, sad, excited and nervous at the same time..I don't know what will happen..lets see the consequence..

after getting dressed I , Chimmy hyung and Yoongi hyung came to the hall Yoongi hyung is looking so beautiful in his white gown and orenge wig...we went near the juice section and took some juice for us not forgetting putting our phones their and leave pretending like we forgot taking our phones..we came out and was pretending like I was having lovey dovey talks with Chimmy hyung and Yoongi hyung was with lke bride's friend..whatever soon we reached to garage..we hopp in the car that Jimin hyung bought last week secretly not letting anyone to know...within 1 hour we reached Jimin hyung's banglo and changed our dressess..I and Yoongi hyung wore Jimin hyung's dress and Jimin hyung wore a borqa..though he was looking funny in it...why would not?? he is so handsome and mascular obviously he would look funny...but we had to do this to proceed our plan and indeed Jimin hyung looked like Yoongi hyung's mumma..within one more hour we reached to the air port...

end of Jungkook P.O.V.

Jimin: Kook are you sure?
Jungkook: we don't have any more way hyung...we have gone through a lot.
Yoongi:but be careful..
Jungkook: you too.. you are the one who is pregnant..
Yoongi: yeah..but why Paris??
Jungkook: my husband lives there..
Jimin: baby our plane is in 10 minutes we have to leave...
Jungkook: yeah...go hurry up...and don't forget to use the fake accounts..and forget your previous account..hyung..and check if you took the new phone..
Yoongi: everything is alright..and Kook don't forget to let us know if you find him or not..if you don't , plz come to London..we will  wait for you..
Jungkook: ok...lets see what hapens..bye..

then Yoonmin took their flight to London and Jungkook went to the lounge for the passengers to Paris..
JK in mind.."I wish I can find you soon hubby...Kookoo loves you.."
then he saw another man staring at him.. he could not understand who is he as he was wearing mask..

?? P.O.V.
who is he?? he seems known to me...aishhh don't forget you are married and loyal to your wife..I don't even know where is my baby..I miss you baby plz come back to hubby..hubby loves you...
end of ?? P.O.V.

yah that's for now..stay tuned..and do follow me and most important don't go outside from home until it is badly needed...Allahhafez fo today..

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