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Janet pulled her car up outside Katrina's house. She stared at the door for a few seconds, a gut wrenching feeling creeping up inside her. She was quickly interrupted by Riley who had opened the car door herself and ran up to Katrina's door. Janet sighed, for a four year old, Riley took a lot into her own hands. Janet got out of the car as well and made her way to the door. Before she got the chance to knock, the door was already opened and Katrina appeared on the other side. "Hello Janet, hello Riley. Come on in."

 "Hi Katrina!" Riley says cheerfully and runs past her to find the twins, leaving her mum still standing outside the door. "Riley don't push past people!" Janet shouts after Riley, "Uh, hey Katrina." Janet says, followed by an awkward smile. Katrina laughs, trying to lighten the mood, "Well don't just stand there, come on in. Do you want a drink?" "Uh yeah sure, wine's fine." Janet replies. Katrina had already rushed to the supermarket earlier to get wine for Janet, she didn't drink anything else.

"So, what have you been up to?" Katrina shouts from the kitchen towards Janet who is now sitting on the couch in the living room. She tried to sound as normal as possible. "Oh not much. What about you?" Janet didn't know what to say, I mean she really hadn't been doing anything apart from worrying about losing her best friend and trying to message her, but Katrina already knew that. "Nothing much either. Misha and Sergei have been practicing their self defence moves, they even taught Bexx a few." Katrina replies as she enters with a glass of wine for Janet and water for herself. 

"You're drinking water?" Janet asked, she was confused. Katrina drank vodka, and only vodka. "Da, I ran out of vodka." Katrina didn't want to tell Janet how she'd been drinking bottle after bottle to try and ease her misery. "Oh... that's impressive. You always have like 20 bottles back there!" Janet laughs, she notices Katrina wince in response as if she was trying to hide something. "Katrina, why have you drank all of those? I mean it's only been 2 weeks since I saw you... but come on! That much! You'll turn into an alcoholic... and that's coming from me!" "It's not important, I just felt like drinking more than usual." Katrina bluntly replies. Janet could tell she didn't want to talk about it, so didn't probe any further.

The two continued small talk, it was awkward but better than silence. 

Meanwhile, Riley had told the twins about how their mothers' were in love. "We need a plan!" Riley says excitedly. "Da!" Both Misha and Sergei agree, although Misha slightly less so, he had a crush on Riley but decided to set it aside, his mother's happiness was more important. "What about sleeping pills! My Nona takes them, I stole some the other day. We could give them to them and they'd fall asleep beside each other." Sergei quickly interrupts, "No, sleeping pills and alcohol react very badly. We need a different plan." The twins were extremely smart for their age. "Otay... what if we write them both letters to each other?" Riley asks. "Hmm that could work, continue?" Misha replies. "We could leave one here for your mum and slip the other into my mum's bag before she leaves?" Riley continues with her plan. "Otay! That could work!" Both twins reply excitedly and the three children begin coming up with ideas. Riley begins coming up with the words and Misha and Sergei write them down, Riley still can't write. 

Around an hour later, both Katrina and Janet had started to lighten up, although conversation was still sparse. "I think I should go now, thanks for having us over Katrina. Riley! Say goodbye to Misha and Sergei, we're leaving now!" "Otay!" Riley responded from the other room, and emerged running. No one noticed Sergei's blue beanie and he snuck past into the kitchen, leaving a small piece of paper on the counter. Misha went unnoticed as well as he snuck over to Janet's bag beside the doorway, leaving another piece of paper inside. "Da, no problem. Hopefully we'll see each other again?" Katrina says apprehensively, Janet responds with a small nod as she and Riley make their way to the car. 

Katrina waves as the car drives away and goes back into the house. She smiles to herself, the evening was awkward but hopefully their friendship could be mended. She walks into the kitchen to grab a glass, and notices a white piece of paper on the counter. "What is this?" She mutters to herself. The twins are peering around the door silently, waiting excitedly to see their mother's reaction. She picks up the paper and starts reading.


Dear Katrina,

I don't know how to say this and I'm sorry that I'm so stupid for not telling you. Anyway, I really like you, love you actually. I'm sorry for denying it before. Please will you be my girlfriend?

Love Janet


"Sergei!" Katrina yells, and both twins appear from behind the door. "Yes Mom?" Sergei replies. "I know this is your handwriting. Why did you write this?" Katrina questions him, trying to hold back her laughter, her boys were right scoundrels. "Riley told us to! She said you and Janet were both in love with each other. This was her plan!" Katrina glares angrily, "Is this all of it?" "Yes, just this." Misha interrupts Sergei, he didn't want Katrina to find out about the other letter to Janet, and Sergei was about to just blurt it out. "Okay. Don't do anything like this again or you will see my catlike reflexes. You know what that means." Katrina growls, trying to sound angry, but really she wasn't. "Otay Mom." Both twins reply, with their heads hanging.

Meanwhile, Janet and Riley had returned home. The second they both got through the door, Riley asked to watch Frozen. "Sure Riley." Janet rolled her eyes, she had given up refusing Riley's pleas and just let her watch it. "Why can't you just watch another damn movie?" Janet mutters under her breath as she watches Riley run to the Tv to put it on. 

Around ten minutes later, Janet searches for her phone. She was going to message Katrina to thank her again. As she reached into her bag to get her phone, she noticed a white piece of paper. She pulled it out with a confused look and began to read it.


Dear Janet,

I really did mean everything I said, I love you. I don't want to live without you. I don't know how you can't tell, it's so obvious. Please be my girlfriend.

Love Katrina x


Janet noticed the handwriting and laughed, it was fairly neat but she knew it wasn't Katrina's. "Riley! Come here!" "Hi Mom." Riley smirked as she saw her mum holding the letter. "Riley who wrote this?" "What is it?" Riley tried to act confused. "Riley." Janet responded sternly. "What?" Riley still acted confused. "Don't play dumb Riley." "Dumb?" Riley was persistent. "Riley! Tell me now! Was this the twins?" Janet had lost her patience. Riley stayed silent, she didn't want to get the twins in trouble. "Riley, if you don't tell me now, you won't be wearing that beanie for the rest of the week, and there will be no Frozen and-" "OTAY! It was Misha." Riley interrupted, she shouldn't risk losing her iconic beanie and definitely not Frozen either. Janet just laughed in response, "That's what I thought. Don't do that again, now go back to your Frozen." Riley giggled and ran back to the TV, she new her mum wasn't mad.

Undeniable- A Jatrina Story (Janet x Katrina)Where stories live. Discover now