94. Date Night

745 33 39

Warnings: A lot of Smut (but it's important for a future purpose)

Ryan's POV

I stare at myself in the mirror and make a disgusted face at the way my dress hugs my hips a little too tightly, debating on whether or not I should just change all together.

"Nuh uh." Nikki wags his finger at me when he sees the look on my face and I furrow my brows at him. "I know that face. You don't like the dress, and you're wondering if you should change. Don't. You look absolutely breathtaking in black."

"Are you sure? I feel fat." I suck my bottom lip in between my teeth as I tilt my head at myself in the mirror, Nikki letting out a deep laugh.

"You couldn't be fat even if you tried." I roll my eyes before reaching up under my dress and ripping my underwear off. "Oh, okay then." He raises his eyebrows as he stares at the discarded underwear on the ground. "I'm not complaining, but why did you take those off exactly?"

"They're too tight. You can see my skin rolls." I sigh as I grab my hairbrush and run it over my scalp.

"Damn." He snaps his fingers sharply as he lets out a disappointed huff. "I was hoping you did that so I could fuck you in the restaurant bathroom easier."

"Fuck off." I snort out a laugh as I press on his chest and shove him backward. "I'm not saying no to that, though." I wiggle my eyebrows and his lips curl into a grin, his tongue sticking out at me as he walks out of the bathroom.

Being back home hasn't been as bad as I had thought it was gonna be that first night, but knowing that we have to go back to normal life tomorrow leaves a pit of anxiety in my stomach.

I wish we could just stay like this forever, hanging out at home and doing fun family things with Wylie. But I know he has an album to record and I have therapy to go back to.

I've also made it a mission to find a preschool for Wylie to start in the fall, but Nikki is so damn picky about where she goes that we could only agree on one to even visit. I'm praying we both still like it once we see it, but I'm not getting my hopes up.

If he had his way, he'd make me homeschool her.

I promptly told him to get fucked when he suggested it, and he was smart enough to drop the idea entirely.

"Come on, babe. Our reservation is at six and it's gonna take us thirty minutes to get there." Nikki yells from down the stairs and I give myself one last look in the mirror, deciding it's as good as it's gonna get.

"Goddamn you're so fuckin' sexy, bitch!" Sharise slaps my ass as I hop off the stairs and I scoff out a laugh, waving my hand through the air to dismiss her. "Doesn't your momma look beautiful?" She shoves on Wylie's shoulder, a purple backpack planted on her back.

"Momma's always beautiful." My heart melts at her sweet voice, and I ruffle my hand through the top of her hair before giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Be good for Auntie Sharise tonight. Go to bed when she tells you to go to bed, no arguing. Got it?"

"Yes, ma'am!" She bounces on her feet, reaching up to grab Sharise's hand. "Let's go, Auntie 'Reese."

"Have fun tonight, babe. We'll see you tomorrow, right? Riley might throw a fit if she doesn't get to see you before she goes back on the road." Sharise lowers her eyes at me and I give her a hard nod.

My hands start to shake with nerves at the thought of being reunited with Riley after months of being apart. She wasn't exactly thrilled about my Nikki news, and she definitely wasn't thrilled when I told her she should stay at Sharise's instead of my house on her tour break.

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