Head Hazer

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"Tell me where are the missing 54 first year students?

"They are not missing"

"Are you blind? Look at it. They're not here"

"They mght not here physically. But their hearts were sent to me here"

"Why did they only sent their hearts to you?"

"To replace mine that was given to you"


"Khap Phi"

"Run around the Track Field, 54 laps"

"Yes Phi"

Kongpob started running as soon as Arthit told him to. This action that Kongpob shows made Arthit mad. He was raging inside while disciplining the other student. His friends trying to calm and cool him down. They are standing below the scorching sun and punishing every students under their discipline.

"Oi Arthit. We're going out later night. We're meeting our baes that we met online"

Bright said. As they walked towards their classroom.

"I don't know. I don't feel going out tonight. And besides I want to find someone online too. I haven't saw anyone that's in my interest"

"Oi Arthit, don't be choosey. Just meet them one by one. If you don't like them then check other one."

"That's tiring Bright. I don't like exerting energy for something that will disappoint me"

They went to their classroom beside the field. They sat at the window side and can see everything at the field.

"Arthit look"

Tutah said inviting him to look at the window and see what's happening.

"That kid from the first year is still running? It's been hours already. Aren't you guilty for this Arthit?"

"Why would I Prem. I mean it. He's a pain in the ass. We couldn't discipline those first year if he won't stop doing what he does"

Arthit sat back to his chair and pulled out his book and notes as the lecture will start in few minutes.

They finished the class with very sleepy faces. They don't know why would they take business classes if they're an Engineering students. Prem, Tutah, Knot and Bright left Arthit by the corridor. They separate their ways after they left the school building.

Arthit was walking down to the pathways of the campus, going to his dorm. He saw Kongpob skipped class just to finished the 54 laps he ordered. He saw a very tired and exhausted human being getting comfort from his friends. He just avoided them and continued to walk towards his destination.

7:20pm, Arthit just finished having dinner and he's getting news about his friend with their baes their talking about. He saw them having fun and very happy with the picture Knot sent to him.

"Lucky bastards"

He curses as he saw some hot chicks with white skins and slim bodies with his friends having some drinks. He regrets he didn't joined them and now he's killing himself with jealousy and envy.

He tried to search for a compatible partner for him. He uses the app that he downloaded days ago. It's a dating app that'll hides everything about you and will show as unanimous until both of you meet. He scroll and scroll finding unwanted profiles. He even saw a profile data with very bothersome captions.

Minutes later he got bored and thinks he wouldn't find someone here that will meet his standards. Not until he saw this one profile. In his group, everyone knows Arthit is bi and isn't strange to him that he was attracted to this profile he saw.

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