Arthit's Dinner

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"Is there something you have to say tonight Mae? Why would we have a dinner night with out Por" Kongpob asked as he is really curious yet still trembling a bit.

"Nothing. I just want to go out and eat with you. And also, your father wants me to take you out too. We haven't eat outside for a long time already" His mother responds.

"Oh ok."

"By the way. Did Arthit went back already? You said he went to the cr couple of minutes ago. Why is he taking so long to pee" His nosy mother asked as Arthit excuses himself earlier to pee and yet he haven't returned yet.

"Ahhh... he might be have a stomachache? Er.... f...k"

"Maybe. Why are you shaking? Don't worry about your boyfriend. He might be doing fine and will be back later on.

Kongpob was comforted my her mom. Little did she knows why Kongpob shakes this much right now.


"Wow Mae. This is a grand restaurant. I haven't been on this kind of restaurant before" Arthit said when he saw the luxurious looks of the building. Shining with golden color.

"Then I'll be happy to take you here for the first time. And besides you can consider this a our first incomplete family dinner. Kongpob's father is busy he couldn't make it here" They walked towards the restaurant, asking for their reservations and headed to their table.

Arthit couldn't stop himself to look around as he is very amused with new things he saw on his lifetime. And of course he couldn't deny the most precious thing he saw is the man who holds his hand, yuck cringey.

Arthit, Kongpob and his mom sat to their table. The style of the table is unique. Instead of single chair with clothed table, this style of diner is quite different. White clothed round table and a sofa-like chair in a round position with one side that's where they can walk in. This makes them more private.

"This is so cool" Arthit mutters as the gentleman Kongpob let him sit first and made him comfortable first before sitting down.

"So what do you want to order?" Kongpob's mother asked as the waiter boy approached them with a menu book passed to them.

"What do you want Phi?" Kongpob asked Arthit focusing to his man only.

"What do you want?"

"I'll take spaghetti and orange juice" Kongpob respond to Arthit as his mom is still busy asking the waiter about the dish she wants.

"I guess I'll take... Hotdog and eggs. And also milk" Arthit whispered his desire s fo Kongpob. Running his hands down to Kongpob's crouch.

Kongpob, with all of the shocks, couldn't hold but to get aroused only. He felt his cock immediately grows as his mom still unbothered and still deciding what to eat.

"Ok luk. I be going to the cr. I'll be back"

"Ok Mae" Kongpob responds. His mother walked away as Arthit then looked to his face and signing Kongpob.

"People might see us Phi"

"Not until we try"

Arthit stubbornly moved the cloth up and crawled himself down the table. Kongpob was worried that they might get caught but that's too late as Arthit already caught his cock.

Arthit slowly strokes Kongpob's cock below the cloth of the table. Every strokes he gave makes Kongpob grip his hands to thwir seat or to the table.

"Argh.... ugh... hmmm" Groans and moans can be heard inside the table. This table can witness such an activity in a restaurant, and in dinner time. The food hasn't been served yet but Arthit had already received his own food.

Arthit sucked Kongpob's thick and long cock to his mouth. Hungrily strokes the cock with his warm mouth. Arthit's eyes shuts as he enjoyed the moment of pleasure in front of him.

A while later while Arthit is in the move, Kongpob's mother arrived and questioned the missing person on their table.

"Where's Arthir luk?"

"Uhm... he... he went to the cr... just now" Kongpob struggles as he finds an excuse for Arthit's absence while the truth is he's sucking him off below the table.

"Ah ok. The food will be served soon. Let's wait for him"

Below the table is where the magic lives. Arthit smirked when he heard the conversation Kongpob and his mother. He grabbed Kongpob's waist, controlling it from moving so thg he can only do the pace. He did it fast making Kongpob's hand rolled up and forced to make a fist from his pleasures. He holds his moans in as it would make a scene if he does.

"Is there something you have to say tonight Mae? Why would we have a dinner night with out Por" Kongpob asked as he is really curious yet still trembling a bit.

"Nothing. I just want to go out and eat with you. And also, your father wants me to take you out too. We haven't eat outside for a long time already" His mother responds.

"Oh ok."

"By the way. Did Arthit went back already? You said he went to the cr couple of minutes ago. Why is he taking so long to pee" His nosy mother asked as Arthit excuses himself earlier to pee and yet he haven't returned yet.

"Ahhh... he might be have a stomachache? Er.... f...k"

"Maybe. Why are you shaking? Don't worry about your boyfriend. He might be doing fine and will be back later on.

The reason why Kongpob shaked as Arthit deep throated him. Feeling the warm throat of his partner with the tip of his cock. He find it more impossible to hold it back. He slide down his hand and grabbed Arthit's head.

"The food is here now luk. Arthit is not here yet"

"He will be here soon Mae. Shit!"

"Kongpob. What did I say to you with curses in front of foods. Don't do that again."

Kongpob uses his hand to take over the pace. Arthit did enjoy the pace and then moment later,  Kongpob's huge cock explodes with cum and juiced out to Arthit mouth. The only way to clean Kongpob's juice is to swallow. And Arthit as a very supportive boy friend to Kongpob did actually swallowed everything his boyfriend let out. The white liquid running down to his lips tasted sweet than then salty. He licked Kongpob's cock cleaning it up with his tongue and mouth. Arthit's always says 'Nothing should be wasted' helped in this situation.

Arthit lifted the cloth up a bit looking to his mate while his cock is still hanging out. Arthit signal something to Kongpob, making him jumpy.

"Uhm Mae? Is that aunt May? Yeah its her. I guess you can take a hi or something for a while"

"Hey you are right. Wait I'll take a quick hi to her. I haven't saw my sister for 2 years" Kongpob's mother stood up from her chair, approaching her sister who's not far from their table.

"It's safe" Kongpob whispered as Arthit slowly stood up and sitted beside Kongpob. The reddish marks on Arthit's face can still be scene from the intense happening earlier. Arthit wiped his face with the face towel he brought to make himself less suspicious. Arthit brows moves asnhe looked at Kongpob while his mother is walking back their table.

"Oh there you are Arthit. You've taken a lot of time there. Are you ok?"

"I'm fine Mae. Just freshen myself up. I was very excited tonight. I didn't expected to happen"

"Good, both of you can eat now before the foods will be cold." Kongpob's Mae innocently askes them to eat their dinner. They had a great time together especially the both of them. Arthit had his first meal before the actual meal to arrive.

"Don't forget the Midnight Snacks later" Arthit whispered to Kongpob's ears making the younger one felt the heat to risen to his body.

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