Cravings (1)

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"I'm here Phi Arthit" Kongpob said as he appeared from the door. He walks inside their apartment room after he took off his shoes.

Kongpob arrived from his school as Arthit haven't left their apartment today because he has a lot of works. He has no class today so he has the whole day for works.

"You're still not finished there Phi?"

"I still have 3 more research to finish. Graduating is really tough. Don't even know if they want us to graduate or not"

"Hang on there Phi. Is there anything I can do? I can help you so that you can finish it sooner"

"It's ok Kongpob. You can take a rest there. You had a whole day too"

Kongpob puts his bag on the table beside Arthit's. He sat on their bed and started checking things on his phone.

It's 5:20pm and still Arthit is still doing his works. He found himself yawning with the loads of work in front of him.

"You're must be tired already Phi. Take a rest"

"I'm ok."

"Do you want me to make you a coffee? Or anything?"

"You know I don't drink coffee"

"Oh, yeah. So what do you want to hype you up with your works?"

"I guess... Pink Milk. I'm craving for it the whole day. I haven't left to buy one si ce this morning."

"I can go and bring you pink milk. Wait for me ok"


Arthit was left working on his laptop with stacked of research papers on his side and bunch of books on the side of his chair. Kongpob went out of their apartment making his way to the elevator. Moments later when he reached the ground floor and looking for the stall that sells Arthit's favorite pink milk.

"Hello Phi. Can I have one pink molk please"

"Aow sorry nong. We're out of milks. We only sells coffee now, milk were sold out earlier today"

"Is that so Phi? Thank you."

"But you buy coffee here right nong? Why are you buying pink milk?"

"Uhm... It's for my faen Phi. I don't know if he's pregnant, he said he's craving for it"

"Oi. He must be so lucky to have a man like you. What is his name nong? Do he lives here too?"

"Yes Phi he does. He's the only pink milk addict in this building" Kongpob said as he left a smile on the older woman who's he's been talking to for a while.

"I'll be going now Phi. Thank you again"

Kongpob left the stall thinking of where he could buy the pink milk Arthit wants. He's been looking everywhere near the building but he failed.

"Oii" Arthit groans as he felt his stomach growling in hunger. Kongpob had been away for a quite time already. Arthit didn't ate anything since his breakfast this morning and after that he was dumped by school works.

After some several minutes later Kongpob went back to their apartment room. Caring a plastic bag with a drink on it.

"Where's my pink milk?"

"Um... sorry phi. The stall down the building went run out of milks today. So I decided to look for something I can replace from your cravings. I'm sure you'll love this"

Kongpob pulled out a cup where the usual pink milk Arthit drink filled with a plain milk.

"Plain milk? Really?"

"No Phi. This is not plain. This is something more than what the stall down the building makes."

"Be sure about that. If I'll be disappointed with this I'll order you to make 200 push ups right here"

"I will Phi. I promise"

Kongpob handed the cup to Arthit looking to the strange looking drink Kongpob gave. He starts to dislike this already by the first look he gave.

Arthit made a contact to the straw with his lip. He took a small sip tasting the drink he just newly discovered.

"Aaahck. What is this? This taste weird. The taste is familiar but this is not milk"

"It's milk phi. I bought it myself."

"Are you sure? Are you sure this isn't spoiled or something?"

"It's not. It's fresh"

"Ok I believe. I like it somehow. Like the salty taste. Which is weird for a milk" Arthit glared to Kongpob who's laying down the bed.

"I like it. Can you buy me another one? This taste so much better than pink milk"

"Err... I suppose I cannot Phi"

"Why couldn't you? Is the show that far? Or it's closed now?"

"Well... if I'll get you anothee cup I'll be drained out. I cannot produce that much again today"

"What? What are you saying? Just get me one"

"I said I cannot"


"Well that's my juice. I...I couldn't find you the right pink milk your craving for so I... did that"

"What? This is so disgusting Kongpob" Arthit stood up from his seat. Facing Kongpob who's looking so guilty and also stood up from the bed.

"Disgusting? I haven't heard that the first time you tasted that" Kongpob said as he slowly approached Arthit. Staring to Arthit dark orbs with his brows lifted up with the innocent looks he gave.


"You said you liked the drink. Well if you really like to drink more. I can give you right a head. Or should I said, give you a head"

"Kongpob. Not now, I have works"

"Works can wait Phi. But your cock bulging in your pants can't" Kongpob stated at he stared at Arthit's crouch getting tighter and tighter every inch Kongpob walk towards him.


"Yes Phi Arthit Khap?"

"Can I say something?"

"Yes you can Phi"

"I don't like this drink" Arthit raised the cup to Kongpob's face. "I love it" Arthit said continued to drink Kongpob's juice. Arthit at first didn't notice it to be suspicious because as a typical milk drink, it has ice. He's very smart.

"I've wastes so many for this drink, and I'd be heartbroken if you didn't liked it." Looking straight to Arthit's eyes still taking a sip from the cup. "You like the cold drink, how about you try the hot drink" Kongpob suggested as he lifted Arthit up dropping the cup with only ice left on it on the floor. He slammed Arthit's body down the soft bed. Bouncing his body from the empact it had.

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