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Arthit is sleeping to the table during their lunch break. He didn't eat lunch cause he had enough of those free taste stalls on their campus from the cooking show held earlier. He's with his friends, as usual, sitting on the canteen tables with usual crowded place.

"HAHAHA, that's so cool" He can only hear Bright and Prem's laughter as they're checking things on their phone. Their laughter is loud as usual and it annoys Arthit.

"Oi! Keep it down. I want to take a nap here" Arthit argues.

"Look at this Arthit. This new trend on the social media. It calls I Live The Door Open trend." Prem showed his phone playing a video with the sound.

"Look, Off Jumpol did the trend too. He's so handsome" Bright compliments as he played the video again.

"What's good about that anyway" Arthit annoying asked his friends.

"Well people love this trend. And also you can do it not just like that. You can dance with it or edit photos vibing with the beat" Prem recommends him hyping up as he scroll down further revealing more videos.

"Shss. All of thise things aren't capable with me. Such a wast of time" Arthit stated and leaned his head down to his arms again ang tried to close his eyes

"Look Ai'Bright. This one is different. This one chooses to chat it with someone along with thw lyrics." Prem said to Bright showing him back the phone.

"Oiii. That'll be intense. I like the lyrics of this song. I'll add this to my playlist"

What you doing?
Where you at?
Oh you got plans.
Don't say that.
Drinking wine.
In a robe.
I look to good.
To be alone (Oh)
My house is clean.
My pool warm.
Just shave.
Smooth like a new born.

Arthit was very shocked with the lyrics. He got goosebumps and got triggered with it. He let it go and continued to sleep while leaning his head down. The surrounding became peaceful as he shuts his eyes up.


Arthit, Prem, Bright, Knot and Tutah walks back to their classroom as their next subject will start soon. They brought their books and notebooks only and of course pens inside their shirt pocket.

"What do you doing" Arthit sang quietly.

"What? Did you say anything? Prem asked as he looked at Arthit confusedly.

"Ohw. Nothing" Arthit reasoned.


They sat to their seats as awhile later their teacher came and started their discussion. This is Arthit's favourite subject yet something came to his mind.

"Oh you got plans"

"Arthit. What are you singing. You haven't answered any nunbers on you paper." Knot madly scolded Arthit as his mind floated away from his head with the song stuck on his head.

They finished their short quiz. Arthit's mind was filled with the song but he got all the answers correct. After the day finished they separated their ways and headed back to their rooms. Arthit arrived at their condo with Kongpob still haven't arrived yet. Usually Kongpob arrives first but now it's the other way around.

Arthit dropped down his things to the desk and lied down the bed. He received a message from his phone and took it and read.

P'Arthit khap. We have so many things to do right now. I have to stay with M tonight. This project should be passed tomorrow. Need to speed things up. Love you❤

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