Your Day

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Happy birthday Khun Singto. I hope you'll find love to someone just like when you found me.

KS EXES? The whole fandom of Peraya was shocked from Krist Perawat's message to Singto for his birthday. They've been know to have a great chemistry to each other and officially announced their relationship early this year.

Is that true? Gun asked Krist who's sitting beside him gloomy and unenergized throughout the day.

Mmmm. He replied.

Why? It's like the other day you two are so sweet with each other. What happened?

I don't feel we belong to each other. We suddenly realized that we are not meant to be.

Not meant to be? What? Who said that so I can rip their body apart.

Gun. I told you. It's not that complicated and also we both agreed to set our relationship aside.

Krist, you and Singto have been in great relationship even before both of you announced it publicly. Me, I personally witness those.

Let's not argue about this anymore Gun. I'm going out.

Krist. Krist!

Krist walked out his condo. He went outside with his casual attire and thick mask so people wouldn't notice him.

I hear Krist Perawat and Singto Prachaya broke up

Really? Is that true?

I guess so. Also good thing, I don't see them as good for each other.

Yeah, you're right.

Gossips of uncultured people roamed around the streets about the news where the only thing Krist could here. He walked in inside a coffee shop that has few people. He sat on a table far away from the windows as possible.

Can I take your order sir?

I'll have one Cappuccino please.

Ok sir.

He hides his faces from the people inside the shop. A few minutes later his order arrived and he began drinking the coffee bit by bit.

Here's your cake sir.

Wait.. I didn't ordered this. you gave it to the wrong person.

Yeah, but I ordered this for you.

Nong Fiat? What are you doing here?

Mmm.. I basically owns this shop Phi. I stay here if I don't have work.

Mmm... Good, good for you. This shop is looking so nice. How's the business?

It's good also Phi. I get more customers early in the morning and later at afternoon.

Krist continues to sip his coffee and tried the cake Fiat bought for him. He was amazed by the flavour and taste of the coffee and cake. Far from what he usually thought.

Aw Phi, are you free tonight?

Why? What's happening tonight?

My friend asked me to join his party later.

I don't know Nong. I'm not into partying this days.

Na Phi, please. Come with meee. I promised them to bring some friends cause they thought I don't have any other friends.

Well... Where's the place?


Oi Nong. This is the place?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2021 ⏰

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