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Hermione looked up from her documents and saw Lyra and Oliva storming into the parlour

Lyra's hair had been turned Gryffindor red and Oliva's has been turned Slytherin green

"Oh Merlin" Hermione whispered

There was a crash somewhere else in the Manor and Lyra stormed out

Oliva muttered something in Spanish before following her friend out of the room

"Why is Lyra threatening to skin Scorpius...oh Merlin" Draco sighed, covering his face with his hands, his shoulders shook with silent laughter as Lyra and Oliva dragged in James, Leon and Scorpius by the collars of their shirts

"Lyra! We can talk—"

"Turn our hair back now!" Lyra ordered

"By Lyra darling, you look good in red" James smirked

"Oliva" Lyra said

There was a yelp, James jumped from a stinging hex and hid behind Leon

"I told you two not to prank them" Leon huffed

"Oh don't you do pulling the Slytherin self preservation Zabini" Oliva spat

Leon gulped and leaned back, pushing into James even more

"Turn. Our. Hair. Back" Lyra ordered

"About that Ly...we can't" Scorpius said, ducking when Lyra sent a hex towards him

"Mother" Lyra whined, stomping her foot like a spoiled child

Hermione sighed and got up, she made her way to where her two children were and stood in between them

"Scorpius...please turn your sister and girlfriend's hair back" Hermione pleaded

"Well hello mother, you look rather dashing today, wouldn't you say father?" Scorpius asked

Draco raised an eyebrow at him and shook his head, clearly telling his son that he was on his own

"Scorpius" Hermione warned, Scorpius gulped and looked at his mother

"The thing is Mrs. Malfoy...this spell will last at least a week" Leon said, hiding behind James when Oliva took a threatening step forward

"Ya van a ver que les va a pasar" Oliva threatened, causing the three boys to pale "let's go Lyra" she ordered

Lyra backed away from her brother and walked to her friend, both witches glared at the three terrified wizards

"You better sleep with one eye open" Lyra smirked

Both girls left the parlour while the three boys gawked at them

"I told you—" Leon began

"Don't you dare try to blame this on us" both Scorpius and James warned

"Well now we're fuc—I mean screwed, have you forgotten? Oliva is the top brewer at Hogwarts! George has been begging her to brew some very advanced potions! The ministry has asked her to go nullify some very dangerous potions because she can!—" Leon began freaking out

"And we lost him" James sighed as his friend started pacing

Draco finally snapped and burst out laughing, he collapsed on the couch as he held his sides and tears spilled from his eyes as he tried to calm his laughter

"Draco" Hermione sighed, her husband wasn't helping the situation

Draco fell from the couch and continued laughing

"Oh—it hurts—" he breathed before laughing loudly again

"Draco" Hermione giggled

"—I mean she can kill us and make it look like and accident!—"

"For the love of Salazar Slytherin please shut up!" Scorpius snapped, Leon stopped pacing and glared at Scorpius

"If she kills us can she kill you first?" Leon asked annoyed

"She's not going to kill us" James sighed

"Oh she most definitely will" Draco laughed as he stood up, he dusted himself off as he walked up to his wife

"Her mother is Fernanda Varro, I remember she had poisoned a first year Ravenclaw and they had been in the infirmary for a month, and she got away with it, if Oliva is anything like her mother, I would look out" Draco chuckled

"Don't forget Scorp, her mother was the one who brewed the potion that helped my parents remember, I know you've read it and I know you know that not even the most skilled potioners couldn't brew that potion, and she managed to succeed in six months" Hermione told him

This caused the three boys to pale even more

"Let this be a lesson to you three, don't prank someone who can make it look like an accident" Draco smirked, leading his wife out of the parlour

"I told you not to prank her"


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