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Hermione was working on inventory by the front desk when a face she never expected to see showed up

"Ron?" She asked, giving the files to her assistant

Ron stood awkwardly with Rose beside him

"Hi 'Mione"

Hermione resisted the urge to grimace at the nickname

"What are you doing here Ron?" She asked him

"He caved and bought me to see Leon" Rose informed

Ron scratched the nape of his neck

"More like I got guilt tripped into letting her see Zabini jr." Ron said

"He's at the pool with Scorpius and James" Hermione smiled

Rose smiled brightly and kissed her dad's cheek before running towards the pool area

"So you've made a name for yourself" Ron stated

"Draco and I, we co-owe the hotel chains" Hermione corrected

Ron sighed

"I'm really sorry Hermione...I was an arse—"

"Still are"

"I deserved that...I failed Hermione, everywhere and everyone, I was stupid, I don't even know why you forgave me, I never properly apologized...I am really sorry Hermione, instead of seeing how happy the ferret—I mean Malfoy—I mean Draco made you, I chose to hold onto some childish dream...and therefore I failed my children Hermione, I failed their mother, I became a drunk, I know you don't trust me, and that's okay because I don't deserve it, I never deserved you Hermione, you were so good, Draco is clearly the better match" Ron said

Hermione just looked at him

"If it makes any difference, I went to rehab and am now...three months sober, I'm trying Hermione, I'm trying for Rose, Alicia and Hugo, and I have to thank you 'Mione...I see the way you care for your children and...and I know I can be a better father for them" Ron said

He pulled out a coin and extended it to her

"And I know I can be a better friend for you" he  whispered

Hermione eyed the bronze coin with a big three in the center

Hermione looked at him

"Step eight is to make a list to make amends with those we have hurt, step nine is to make amends with them, your family is the last on my list, I hurt all of you Hermione, and I'm forever guilty for that, I was hurting and I-I'm truly sorry Hermione"

Hermione finally smiled at him

"I forgive you Ron"

And she truly meant it

Ron sniffed and wiped his nose with his shirt


Ron and Hermione turned to see the newcomer

"Su" Ron whispered

Susan Bones came up to them, she eyed Ron suspiciously

"Why are you here? I swear if you're drunk again—"

"N-No" Ron interrupted "I'm not...Rose wanted to see Leon...she pestered until I caved, Alicia and Hugo are with my mum" he explained

"You brought Rose to see her boyfriend?" Susan asked

"She said she was talking with him" Ron said obliviously

"Ron, she's talking to him" Susan explained

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