Years Later

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We're going back?

To the place where everything went to shit.

I was only 5 when this huge accident happened.

My family and I were in so much pain. I have a scar on my upper shoulder to prove it.

What does aunt Laura need our help with now after all this time?

Why are going back to

Izzy lays her head against the window as those thoughts fill her head. She could feel the eyes of her father on her as she stares in front of her watching the trees pass.

" You're too into your head, sweetheart. What's wrong?" Derek glances at his daughter. His dark green eyes meeting her light blue ones.

" Why do we have to go back there? What could aunt Laura need help with after all this time?" Izzy questions now looking out the window.

Derek sighs. " I don't know, but if it helps we'll only be staying there a few months at most. Plus, don't you want to see your aunt?" Derek smiles.

Isabelle smiles softly. " I do, I just don't want to go back to this bloody town."

" I know and I don't either, but whatever happens we'll make the best of it, like we always do. Okay?" Derek momentarily takes his eyes off the road to look at her.

" Okay." Isabelle nods. She yawns as she digs through her book bag looking for her head phones. Once she finds them she puts them on and plays her favorite song. ( You pick )

She slowly falls into a deep sleep. With so many thoughts running through her mind.

Derek looks at his daughter and notices that she was actually asleep now. Ever since he told her they were going back to Beacon Hills, she hasn't slept. She slept here and there, but her nightmares were getting worse.

Every time Derek would ask her what was wrong, she would shake him off and tell him it was nothing. He never wanted to push her so he would just nod and stay up with her until she wasn't as shaken up anymore.

As Derek was driving he starts to hear whimpers coming from next to him. He looks to Izzy and sees her hand shaking as she whimpers more. Her heart beat starts rising. It was another nightmare...

Derek brings his eyes back to the road ahead of him and he leans over and and shakes her softly. " Princess, wake up." She doesn't budge only whimpers more. " Iz, please wake up." Derek shakes her a bit harder.

This time Izzy shots up with a gasp. " Dad! Save me!"

Derek sighs taking his daughters hand in his. He runs the back of her hand with the pad of his thumb. " You're okay, sweetheart. Want to tell me what's wrong?"

Izzy breathes heavily as she looks to their intertwined hands and up to her father before back down to their hands. She sighs...this time she was going to tell him. " It was about the Mikealson's."

Derek's grip on her hand and wheel tightened a bit. " What about them?"

" When they use to hurt me." Izzy mutters.

*Flash Back ( A couple months before Davina, Kol and Marcel helped her. ) Warning ⚠️ there is abuse, if you don't feel comfortable you may skip.*

Hope and Isabelle were in the living room of the Mikealson compound. Hope was playing with her little barbie dolls and Isabelle was reading a grimoire Davina gave her to practice her magic.

Hope looks up at her sister and decides she wanted to cause a bit of trouble. She places her barbie's down and walks to where Izzy was sitting. " Can I see your book?"

Izzy stops practicing and looks up to Hope. " No, you may not."

" Why not?" Hope whines. " I just want to see it."

" No, Hope. Please leave me awone." Izzy tells her. Izzy's speech wasn't all that great yet. Davina and Kol were still teaching her.

Hope ignores her and goes and tries to take the book out of her hand. Izzy quickly moves it from her grasps as she stands up.

" Give it to me! I want to see it!" Hope attempts to take it again.

" No! It's my book! Not yours!" Izzy shouts.

Hope goes to grab the book and this time Izzy moved a little too slow. Hope ended up grabbing one end of the book as she had the other.

" Hope, let go! Your going to break my book. Please let go." Tears filled up in Izzy's eyes.

" No! I want to see it! You shouldn't even have this book, your not powerful enough." Hope snaps.

" Fine." Isabelle let's go of the book making Hope fall. Hope harshly hands on the floor. She starts crying loudly as instantly the rest of the Mikealson's were in the room.

" What happened, baby?" Hayley leans down to Hope's level.

" Is-abelle, pushed me." Hope cries pointing at her twin.

" I did not! She tried to take my book and when I gave it to her she fell." Izzy spoke innocently.

" You little bastard." Hayley walks toward Izzy and once she gets to her she slaps her in the face harshly making Izzy fall to the ground. Hayley then kicks her in the stomach. Marcel, Davina and Kol were immediately by Izzy's side, as she cries.

" Leave that little bastard alone, she deserves what she got." Klaus tells the three as he picks up a smirking Hope.

" Yeah, she's lucky I didn't hit her harder." Hayley says as she goes to grab Izzy again , but this time she falls on to her knees groaning and clutching on to her head.

" You are disgusting, all of you. Your all worthless pieces of shit." Davina shouts picking up Izzy carefully and walks out the room.

Marcel and Kol share a look. Marcel speeds and snaps Hayley's neck and Kol speeds pinning Klaus to the wall not caring about Hope in his arms.

Kol plunges his hand into Klaus's chest gripping his heart. " And to think you were nothing like father."

"" Klaus breathes heavily.

Kol squeezes his heart tighter. " Yeah, because your worse." Kol pulls his hand out of Klaus's chest right before kneeing him in his crotch and together him and Marcel sped after the two.

*Flash Back over*

" Princess, you have nothing to worry about. Not anymore, you hear me?" Derek glances at her still rubbing his thumb over the back of her hand.

" What if they find us, daddy? You can get hurt." Izzy panics. Derek sighs sadly at her tone. When she says daddy he knew she was sad, getting worried and overthinking all in one.

" They won't. Trust me when I say that you don't have to worry about them. I'm going to protect you no matter what. Your my daughter and no one is going to take you away from me." Derek whispers.

" I know, I'm sorry," Izzy sighs. " I love you, dad."

Derek smiles. " I love you more, my wonderful daughter." Izzy laughs.

The two continue to laugh and make jokes as they pass the 'Welcome to Beacon Hills' sign.


Soooo, I'm making major changes! I hope you guys enjoy and I love you all so much.

I can't wait for you to see what I have in stored for you guys❤️

𝔄𝔫𝔬𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔯 𝔏𝔦𝔣𝔢 ~ 𝔖𝔱𝔦𝔩𝔢𝔰 𝔖𝔱𝔦𝔩𝔦𝔫𝔰𝔨𝔦 Where stories live. Discover now