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Izzy sat on the couch with her knees brought up to her chest, her chin resting on her knees. A tear falling down her face as she stare blankly at the 4 who were in front of her. She couldn't believe that her parents were trying to find her. She was starting to get flashbacks of everything they did to her.

" It's done." Davina broke the silence looking at the others around her.

" Are you sure? What if Freya takes it down? What if they find us? I can't be found aunt D. I can't." Izzy couldn't help but rapidly question as more tears fell down her face.

Derek watches the tears fall down her face, along with how he watches her quickly wipe it away. He knew she didn't want to show any type of least she tries to.

Derek coughed as a signal for Davina, Kol and Marcel to leave, so that he can talk to his daughter.

" Yea, we'll just go." Kol said awkwardly standing up and walking out, the others following.

" Daddy, what if they take me? I don't want to be away from you. I can't lose you. What if I'm not strong enough to go against them?" Izzy questioned thinking about the life she would have if they came and took her. She would no longer have her dad.

" You listen to me. They are not taking you at all. They're not even going to be close enough to lay a hand on you. I will protect you with my life. So will the other three in the other room. You are not losing me at all. No matter what." Derek bends down to his daughters level wiping a tear away.

" I can't have you or any of them get hurt because of me. I can't have that happen daddy. Especially you. You're the biggest target and if—"

" Princess, I am not going anywhere and neither are they." Derek wipes away tears from his daughters face. " Plus your aunt mad the protection spell stronger. They won't find you and if they're smart they will know to mess with us especially you." Derek taps his daughters nose.

" They're not smart enough." Izzy gave him a deadpanned look.

" I was honestly giving them the benefit of the doubt." Derek shrugs wiping the last of his daughters tears away as she laughs. Derek smiles, that sound was music to his ears. He sat next to her and pulled her into a hug and kissed her forehead.

This girl in his arm, kept him sane. She was the reason he was still here. She was his everything...he would die for her.

If that's what it came to...

✮ ✭ ✫ ✬ ✯

It's the next day and Izzy stood at her locker watching Scott and Stiles around the corner listening to the principal talking to Sheriff Stilinski. She was listening in on Scott and Stiles.

" Can you hear what they're saying?" Stiles questions Scott.

Scott nods and strains his ears. " Animal attacks...just don't want the kids out...9:30pm...insinuate the curfew." He hears and turns to Stiles. " A curfew...because of the body."

Izzy closes her locker and leans against it pulling out her phone still listening in as Stiles scoffs and pulls Scott to walk. " Seriously unbelievable. My dad's out looking for a rabid animal, while the jerk off who actually killed the girl is hanging out doing whatever he wants."

" You can't exactly tell the truth to your dad about Derek." Scott rolls his eyes at Stiles.

A lightbulb went of in Stiles's head. " I can do something."

" Like what?" Scott asks the same thing Izzy was wondering.

" Like find the other half of the body." Stiles states making Izzy's heart drop more than it already did.

𝔄𝔫𝔬𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔯 𝔏𝔦𝔣𝔢 ~ 𝔖𝔱𝔦𝔩𝔢𝔰 𝔖𝔱𝔦𝔩𝔦𝔫𝔰𝔨𝔦 Where stories live. Discover now