"Adachi, I need you to get out of here. Now!"

Adachi was baffled, he just got here from working on his part-time job and he knew he had a two-week notice already and promised that he will be paying the owners of his apartment.

"But Neko-san, I told you that I'll be paying you for my rent. Just give me time! I was about to be paid an--"

"No excuses this time, Adachi! I tried to be patient with you but I also need you to understand that this place costs me money as well! Pay for it now or you get your things thrown away!"

Adachi sighed, he has nowhere to go. He doesn't want his mother to worry about him either.

He nodded and just went into the apartment and started packing all his stuffs. He asked for one more night before getting out and Neko agreed.

After a few hours of packing, he is contacting everyone that he knows where he can stay, including his best friend Tsuge. However, most of them do not have enough space for him to stay and now, he is screwed.

Hours from now, he would be homeless.

The next morning came and he bid his apartment one last goodbye and head out.

He went into his part-time job, which is being a waiter at a restaurant, with his luggage still on-hand. The owner of the restaurant, Konoma, was surprised when he stumbled into Adachi. He knows Adachi is very good at his job and was being paid but it looks like it wasn't enough for him to pay for his rents.

"Adachi, why--?"

"Long story, Konoma-san. I do apologize if I came here with my things. Is it okay if I could hide this upstairs while I go on with work?" he asked.

Knowing how stubborn Adachi can be sometimes, he let him do so. He wants to offer to stay with him while he looks for a place to stay but he knows Adachi too well. He's like his father, both of them doesn't want to feel like a loser.

Looking at Adachi at the stairway, he sighed. "They are indeed one and the same."

After hours of working, evening came around and it got Adachi worried about where to stay. He think about going to cafe or capsule hotel but decided not since he is scared of them for a certain reason and walked through the streets of Tokyo with his big luggage on hand.

Walking for hours on end, he saw a children's playground and rest himself there for a while.

Reaching out to his phone, he noticed that it's about to be dead which made things worse for Adachi. He doesn't know what to do at this point.

"Such bad timing," he thought to himself.

Adachu is in a daze and was not aware if his surroundings when he suddenly saw two people going to his direction, and looking at them, they look like a part of a gang which made Adachi scared.

"Hey, little boy. What are you doing on a cold windy evening alone?" The one gang member asked him.

"I-It's none of your business," he answered.

"Wow, how brave of you to say such things," the other guy said to him.

"W-what do you want from me!"

"Haha! Well, you give me your wallet and phone and we're done here..."

"E-even if you take them, t-there's nothing that y-you can have! M-my phone's a wreck and my money's all gone!" he said, showing them the empty wallet and phone that he uses.

"Then you can give us something else," the guy said to him with devilish smile.

"L-leave me alone now, I don't even have e-everything to provide!"

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