He Was Beautiful - 3

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"Arigato, we will call you soon!"

"We'll get in touch with you if you're a part of our shortlisted candidates!"

"Thank you for your time, you'll a receive a message once we hear from our supervisors."

"Hai, arigato."

This has been a 5th time that Adachi said by the end of an interview. He did his best on answering the hardest questions he was given so he was hoping that he can get a call from them soon.

Currently, he went for a lunch break and was now on the park, eating a sandwich that he made earlier that morning and reading "50 Shades of Grey". Yes, he is that shameful at times.

"Tch, this is boring. The story doesn't have substance so far," he said to himself.

He decided to close the book a just enjoyed the scenery around him. It was not that sunny but windy, "perfect" as he described it. The park isn't that crowded knowing that it is a weekday and most people are working, something he wished to have right now.

Looking at the distance, a certain scene got his attention. There was a group a kids circling a little boy who wears a tutu.

"That's only for girls! You're a boy! Take that off!" One boy told him.

"No! I will not take these off! My Ma and Pa bought it for me!"

It's the same thing that Adachi is hearing for the next few minutes and he wanted to just stop them. He already stood up the bench when he saw one of the boys pushed the poor boy to the ground.

Hurrying up, he ran out to them as one of them is about to put a hand on them.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?!" Adachi asked them. "If you don't stop that, I will ask the security guard and report this to your school!"

All the young boys ran away except for the the one in a tutu.

"Hey, are you okay?" Adachi asked.

"Hai, arigato!" The boy said.

"Next time, do not get in trouble and be careful. Okay? It will be tough for you, kiddo. But I hope you do great in your ballet classes," he said to him.

Adachi was suddenly surprised with a hug from the little boy, in which he reciprocated.

"Rui! I've been looking for you!"

Both of them let go of each other and looked at a woman in his 40s, Adachi assuming that it's the kid's mom.

"Okaasan!!" The kid ran off to his mom.

Adachi stood up and smiled at the scene. The boy seems to be happy telling his mother about what happened and the man in the glasses is just glad that he was able to help him.

And this isn't the first time he did it.


16 years ago...

"Oh, wait. This is our new neighbor?" 12-year old Adachi asked.

"Hai, they just started moving into the house yesterday. You're not able to see them since you went home late last night," his Mom told him.

Adachi nodded. He knew that Tsuge's house would have a new family taking over but didn't expect it to come so soon. It's just weeks since they moved to another house around 15-20 minutes away from them since the divorce of his parents happened. It's been tough for him to go through all of it. Adachi does hope he is still okay although he is fully aware he's not.

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